Getty timeout problem
Perry Minyard 3MTA3
perry at bluemtn.uucp
Wed Feb 21 02:49:17 AEST 1990
In article <221 at comsys.UUCP> smith at (Bj|rn Smith) writes:
>How do I specify the -t (timeout) option for getty in a Xenix system.
>In a System V Unix it is specified in /etc/inittab but in /etc/ttys
>I cant see where it fits in !?
>Bj|rn Smith Compound Systems, phone +46 8 7923689
>UUCP: {uunet,mcsun}!sunic!enea!comsys!smith
>Internet: smith at
Right out of the manual page for init(M): ``getty/login" procedure:
Once init has opened a line, it executes the getty program, passing
the line mode as an arguement.
The "line mode" is the second 'argument' in the /etc/ttys file.
An example /etc/ttys entry would be "1mtty01", (tty01 enabled at 9600baud)
"m" is the line mode, and is a pointer to the label identifier in the
in the file /etc/gettydefs file. Below is an example /etc/gettydefs entry:
m # B9600 HUPCL # B9600 CS8 SANE HUPCL TAB3 ECHOE IXANY #\r\nn@!login: # m
Each entry in the /etc/gettydefs file has the following format:
label# initial-flags # final-flags # login prompt # next label
The man page for inittab, under initial-flags states that it:
Sets the initial ioctl(S) settings if a terminal type is not specified
to getty. The flags that getty understands are the same as the ones
listed in tty(M). Normally only the speed flag is required in the
initial-flags. Getty automatically sets the terminal to raw input
mode and takes care of most of the other flags.
hmmmmm? ------------|
tty(M) makes mention of all the termio(M) flags, and nowhere in termio(M)
does it mention being able to use a flag like "-t timeout" so it looks like it
can't be done!... Unless you could modify init, which only comes compiled,
or if Xenix used inittab instead of ttys..
You might want to play around with telinit, but I dont think that will help
you either.
If you do figure it it, I'd appreciate somebody letting me know.
-Perry Minyard, blue mountain software.
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