vt100 for tandy model 100
mark.levy at canremote.uucp
Wed Feb 21 01:06:00 AEST 1990
To: jimr at vpnet.UUCP (Jim Rendant)
jP>Have you ever tried using VI in open mode? If you have you know the
jP>problems of editing a file. It seems as though when using SCO xenix
jP>the TRS100 termcap definition will only let you use VI in the open
jP>mode. Has any one seen a VT100 or above emulation program for the
jP>Tandy model 100 portable computer? Matbe a modified termcap entry.
jP>I have checked to see what the minimal controls that are necessary to
jP>take VI out of open mode, they all seem to be there. For some reason
jP>it still doesn't work.
Below you will find termcap entries for Tandy terminals, including
the tandy 100 and 200.
td|dt100|dt-100|Tandy DT-100 terminal:\
# Tandy's laptop terminal
tD|dt200|dt-200|Tandy DT-200:\
tm|dmterm|Tandy deskmate terminal:\
:cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#80:dc=\ES:dl=\ER:dm=:do=\EB:ed=:\
r6|trs16|trs-80 model 16 console:\
tr|trs16|Tandy trs-80 model 16 console:\
:cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#80:dc=\EQ:dl=\EM:do=\EB:ei=:\
T1|trs100|Tandy TRS-80 Model 100:\
:cl=\EE:cm=\EY%+ %+:nd=^\:do=^_:up=\EA:se=\Eq:so=\Ep:\
# The dt100w entry is used for a dt100 in "wide" mode, i.e., 132 columns.
tw|dt100w|dt-100w|Tandy DT-100 terminal:\
T2|td200|Tandy 200:\
:al=\EL:am:bs:cd=^L:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#40:\
T6|trs600|Tandy Model 600:\
:am:bs:cl=\EH\EE:cm=\EY%+\040%+ :co#80:li#15:nd=\EC:\
tp|pt210|Tandy TRS-80 PT-210 printing terminal:\
~ DeLuxe 1.11a18 #3019
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