Karl Denninger
karl at ddsw1.MCS.COM
Sat Feb 10 05:52:19 AEST 1990
In article <8 at robecdc.UUCP> ghost at robecdc.UUCP (William.A.Sneed) writes:
>In article <1762 at> milton at (Stephen Milton) writes:
>>I keep running into the same error...'cannot find strings.h' It
>>apparently did not come with my developmnent system, but a lot of
>>programs seem to expect it as a standard library...Any help appreciated..
>>Steve Milton...milton at
>Who what when where why how hunh!?!
> If you have SCO it was included
> If your program has #include "strings.h" that's your problem
No, that is not the problem.
> Should be <strings.h> to use the system's library
Actually either will work -- if the file is there.
There is no difference between the delimiters. Try it sometime. CONVENTION
is that you use " " as delimiters on local include files, and < > on system
files, but the compiler will search in both places with either delimiter.
The problem is that /usr/include/strings.h is not in the Xenix distribution;
that file is called "string.h". Linking one to the other is an acceptable
solution if you don't like hacking on source code.
>From the /etc/perms directory:
soft:SOFT f644 bin/bin 1 ./usr/include/string.h D03
soft:DOSDEV f644 bin/bin 1 ./usr/include/dos/string.h D01
As you can see, there is no "strings.h" file!
Karl Denninger (karl at ddsw1.MCS.COM, <well-connected>!ddsw1!karl)
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