Emergency Boot Floppy construction

Ed Hew edhew at xenitec.on.ca
Fri Jun 29 17:22:38 AEST 1990

In article <15030016 at hpfinote.HP.COM> jackb at hpfinote.HP.COM (Jack Benzel) writes:
>I have SCO Xenix 2.3.2 and all of the disk recovery procedures mention the
>"Emergency Boot Floppy"  which the Installation Instructions are supposed to
>tell me how to make one.  I can't find any such directions in the documentation
>set.  If anybody knows, what is the specific manual and page number?
>Blind as a bat apparently,
>Jack Benzel
>jack_benzel at hpfcla.HP.COM

Now you've caused me to pull out my old 2.3.1 Xenix docs.

I remember that the 2.3.2 Xenix SysAdmin Guide was the same, so
I'd suggest looking under section 16.3.4 (Making Filesystems on
Floppy Disks).  In the doc rev I have it's on pg 16-10 in the
Installation and Maintenance Guide.  Yes, it's well disguised and
hidden, but it's there.

The simple answer to your question; do a
	mkdev fd
and answer the prompts (which is what a "man mkdev" tells us),
or it should be accessible off a sysadmsh option if you'd prefer
to go through a few extra layers of sfw to get to the same place.

I'd suggest mounting your resulting bootable/rootable when you're
done and adding any commands you personally might find useful,
noting that your requirements may differ from mine and you may
have to remove some files (unecessary to you) to make room - carefully.

Here's my (lr) list from back when I was using Xenix.
Salt & pepper to taste - carefully.

Won't hurt to fsck it after you're done when you umount it.

bin    boot   dev    etc    mnt    tmp    xenix

cp       dd       dumpdir  fsck     restor   rm       sync     vi
ctar     dparam   ed       l        restore  sh       tar

cga          fd096ds9     lp0i         rfd048       rhd01        swap
clock        hd00         lp1          rfd048ds8    rhd02        systty
cmos         hd01         lp1f         rfd048ds9    rhd03        tty
color        hd02         lp1i         rfd048ss8    rhd04        tty01
colour       hd03         lp2          rfd048ss9    rhd0a        tty02
console      hd04         lp2f         rfd096       rhd0d        tty03
d1057all     hd0a         lp2i         rfd096ds15   rhd0root     tty04
dsk          hd0d         mem          rfd096ds18   rhd10        tty05
ega          hd0root      mono         rfd096ds9    rhd11        tty06
erct0        hd10         monochrome   rfd1         rhd12        tty07
error        hd11         nrct0        rfd1135ds18  rhd13        tty08
fd0          hd12         nrct2        rfd1135ds9   rhd14        tty09
fd0135ds18   hd13         null         rfd148       rhd1a        tty10
fd0135ds9    hd14         ram00        rfd148ds8    rhd1d        tty1A
fd048        hd1a         rct0         rfd148ds9    rinstall     tty1a
fd048ds8     hd1d         rct2         rfd148ss8    rinstall1    tty2A
fd048ds9     install      rd1057all    rfd148ss9    rmt          tty2a
fd048ss8     install1     rdsk         rfd196       root         u
fd048ss9     kmem         recover      rfd196ds15   rrecover     vga
fd096        lp           rfd0         rfd196ds18   rroot        xct0
fd096ds15    lp0          rfd0135ds18  rfd196ds9    rswap
fd096ds18    lp0f         rfd0135ds9   rhd00        ru




badtrk      dkinit      haltsys     masterboot  mnttab      utmp
default     emulator    inir        mkdev       mount
divvy       fdisk       init        mknod       umount




  Ed. A. Hew      SCO Authorized Instructor      XeniTec Consulting Services
  edhew at xenitec.on.ca  | ..!{watmath|lsuc}!xenitec!edhew   |  (519) 570-9848
	   (sco.opendesktop newsgroup <=> mlist gateway maintainer)

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