Panic error, system lockup
Terry Lyons
terry at pride386.UUCP
Tue Mar 27 18:14:07 AEST 1990
In article <1965 at>, rick at (Rick Stout) writes:
> I've received the following error several times on my
> system in the last few weeks. The system locks up completely
> and has to be reset. There doesnt seem to be anything
> common about the three times that it has happened.
> Has anyone else seen this or can decipher it?
is appears that idleout will try to kill a process that isn't running!
if your running Multiview disable idleout
check to see if your getting several process that a ps -ef tells you are
I had these same register dumps and messages
one day a user couldn't start Multiview after coming back from lunch, I had
her log off completely and did a ps -ef she had an orphaned process with a
<defunct> exit status did a kill, no effect did a kill -9
panic:double panic:panic: double panic:
screen clears
Kernel error : unrecoverable page ........(same as yours)
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