Info wanted: experience with Rand editor on PDP 11's

Russell K. Rew rew at hao.UUCP
Wed Dec 14 16:34:04 AEST 1983

Are there any sites out there using the Rand editor on PDP 11's?  I am
interested in general impressions of and experiences with this product,
especially as a potential replacement for ISC's INed editor, which
seems to be based on an early version of the Rand editor.  Has anyone
improved the terminal support to better exploit smart terminals?  Has
anyone found and corrected bugs in the distributed version?  Any advice
would be appreciated, but please no flames about how much better vi or
emacs are (I'm already converted, but we have users who would rather
not be forced to change to a radically different editor).  Please
respond by mail.  Thanks.
Russ Rew

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