New and improved cxref posted to net.sources
Arnold Robbins
arnold at gatech.UUCP
Wed May 2 06:29:34 AEST 1984
[UNIX software is more bug free than that for any other OS!] :-)
I have posted a new and improved version of my C language cross referencing
program, cxref, to net.sources. This version fixes all known bugs, and
should run on any style UNIX system. It has a new driver which exec's
the programs directly; this gets rid of one bug in the old driver (which has
been included anyway, and other bugs in it have been fixed).
Two new features have been added, one of which was from a suggestion
from someone who was using it.
If you are running USG Unix, change the call to rindex() in basename.c
to strrchr(), and you'll be set.
Cxref can NOT differentiate between local and global vars, between variable
references and assignments, or between functions and variables, so please
don't request that I change it to do any of these things. Useful as
they would be, cxref is LEX based, and just isn't smart enough.
(NOTE: If someone will send me a *public*domain* YACC grammar for C, I
will seriously consider undertaking some of the just-mentioned features.
Otherwise, these things are just too hard to do without actually parsing.)
A note to those on the ARPAnet reading this in the UNIX-WIZARDS digest:
net.sources is now being distributed by UNIX-SOURCES at BRL-TGR. Send
requests to be added to the list to UNIX-SOURCES-REQUEST at BRL-TGR. Make sure
though that only one person at your site subscribes, since articles there
tend to be rather long.
Those people on the ARPAnet who previously sent me mail and requested
a copy will get a copy in the mail, probably before this gets put
into the digest.
Arnold Robbins
CSNET: arnold at gatech
ARPA: arnold%gatech.csnet at
UUCP: ...!{akgua, allegra, rlgvax, sb1, ut-sally}!gatech!arnold
"All this digital stuff is just a fad. Analog is the way to go."
-- William M. Robbins, 1984
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