A Portable OS, Unix-Compatible, with - (nf)
burton at fortune.UUCP
burton at fortune.UUCP
Wed May 2 13:05:39 AEST 1984
fortune!burton May 1 17:25:00 1984
Mr. Lombardo came to Fortune several weeks go as part of a west coast
tour to tout S1 to us as the future. According to him, even AT&T people
know that UNIX is a dead end, because it doesn't do real time, because
it talkes too long to do a port, etc. , etc.
His S1 is soooo good that a new device driver can be written in 2 -3 days.
He will tell you that his brochures are outdated, since his schedules
have slipped (what a surprise !!), that some of the companies who are
listed for ports won't get them, e.g. Osborne or Compaq. In general,
he won't do a port unless the company does an OEM agreement, except that
an IBM PC port is planned.
Lots of good claims. Haven't felt good since the Mets beat the Orioles
in 5 in 1969. I am supposed to get documention, but it hasn't
arrived yet.
So, net-landers, so far I've seen lots of claims, and nooooooo
Philip Burton 101 Twin Dolphin Drive-MS 133
Fortune Systems Redwood City, CA 94065 (415) 595-8444 x 526
- - -
{ihnp4 [ucbvax | decvax!decwrl]!amd70 harpo hpda }!fortune!burton
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