Popularity of various flavors of UNIX
btb at hogpc.UUCP
Wed Oct 3 14:16:15 AEST 1984
Bill Tuthill uses figures about the installed base of UNIX systems
to analyze what versions of UNIX* (System V, XENIX, etc.) will
be popular in the future. A few reminders on getting from here to there:
1) Don't confuse UNIX *systems* (which most data describe) with
*users*. As an analogy, there are a lot of MS-DOS systems,
but only about 1 user per system.
2) The installed base of an OS depends on (primarily):
- how good it is
- how good the hardware on which it runs is
- how long it's been sold, and how well
- how much good software runs under it (there bidrectional
causality here)
Since System V hasn't been on the market long, one wouldn't expect it
to have a big share yet.
3) The future popularity of an OS -- which commercial software developers
have to predict -- depends on similar factors, but looking toward
the future instead of the past. Thus you should consider
which versions of UNIX will be supported best.
--Bruce Burger AT&T-Information Systems Freehold, NJ
* UNIX is a trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories
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