Looking for AT&T 'RTR' op.sys. info

Haral Tsitsivas haral at ttidcb.UUCP
Wed Oct 10 08:05:30 AEST 1984


>	Is anyone running RTR? If so, can you tell me a little about it?

No, we are not running RTR, you should probably look at the folks who
were involved with the Summer Olympics for details because they were
using an assortment of AT&T machines.  I have recently attended a sales
presentation by AT&T on their products and did not talk about RTR a lot

>	Does anyone know how well it performs compared to standard
>Unix System V Release 2? Is there any benchmarking information available?

RTR is NOT System V, furthermore it is nothing like Release 2.  From what
I've heard AT&T is going to upgrade the RTR system fairly soon to be System
V compatible, however at the moment all the IPC and semaphore code (system
calls) are incompatible with SVR2.  Also, RTR will never be a virtual memory
system according to the presentation I received since that would slow it down
and presumably take it further from it real-time market.

>	Does anyone know how much trouble it would be for us to port
>a lot of code we've developed for System V to an RTR opsys?

If you are not using any of the above it should be fairly straight-forward,
I also seem to remember some incompatibilities with the termio package (or
lack of it?).

>	Does anyone know if RTR source licenses are available?

I was told not for now.

--Haral Tsitsivas
  TTI, Santa Monica, CA. 
  (213) 450-9111 X2251
  ...!{philabs | randvax | trwrb | vortex}!ttidca!haral

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