creating pipes in find(1)
Erik E. Fair
fair at dual.UUCP
Tue Oct 2 13:31:27 AEST 1984
>> From: tcs%usna.uucp at BRL-BMD.ARPA
>> Newsgroups: net.unix
>> Subject: creating pipes in find(1)
>> Date: Tue, 25-Sep-84 11:51:16 PDT
>> How do I build a pipe within the exec portion of find?
>> Example:
>> find /etc -name printcap -exec cat {} | lpr \;
>> I've tried lots of combinations of escaped parens, exec'ing
>> the shell, etc and nothing works.
>> I have gotten this to work:
>> find /tmp -name tobuy -exec junk1 {} \;
>> junk1:
>> cat $1 | more
>> But I'd rather know how to do it without having another file
>> lying around.
>> If it can be done, please explain the combination of
>> escapes, etc you use make it work. Thanks.
>> -tcs
>> Terry Slattery U.S. Naval Academy 301-267-4413
>> ARPA: tcs at brl-bmd UUCP: decvax!brl-bmd!usna!tcs
I think what you want is something like this:
find / -perm -4000 -exec ls -ls {} \; | Mail -s "Daily SUID Program Report" root
Note the escaped semi-colon? That's part of the argument list to find(1).
That's what terminates an exec list. Since the semi-colon is escaped,
the shell (whichever one you use) will not use it to terminate the command.
Erik E. Fair ucbvax!fair fair at ucb-arpa.ARPA
dual!fair at BERKELEY.ARPA
Dual Systems Corporation, Berkeley, California
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