More UNIX systems benchmarks
Dan Ts'o
dan at rna.UUCP
Sat Oct 13 06:29:28 AEST 1984
Here is the promised second benchmark article in which I present
benchmark results for several more UNIX systems. As in the first article,
I have computed normalization indices with respect to a 4.2BSD VAX 780.
Thus the benchmarked UNIX system appears as a fraction (or multiple) of
a 780. If the program is pure compute, the user time is used, otherwise
the real time is used in determining the normalization index. The actual
times are given in the end for those who want to know and compare. I also
include the normalization indices from the previous article just for reference.
If anyone would like to run this benchmark suite on their UNIX
system and would like a copy of the scripts and programs used, I would be
happy to mail it to them.
- LOOP, for loop of 1million with long int index, Same as some previous UNIX
conference benchmarks
- CC LOOP, cc -O loop.c, Companion C compile to above
- SIEVE, Same as published in BYTE
- CC SIEVE, cc -O sieve.c
- FLOAT, Same as published in BYTE, testing floating point performance *, /
- GETPID, for loop of 100000 getpid()'s
- GREP, grep zoom /usr/dict/words, grep through ~200kbytes
- COPY, cp /usr/dict/words /tmp/junk, copying ~200kbytes
- NROFF, nroff -ms /dev/null, load the MS macro package
- SORT, sort -r /usr/dict/words > /tmp/junk
780 MVAXI 11/73 Ridge Callan G8750 11/70
1 .21 .24 1.3 .40 4.2 .35
1 .31 .31 .19 .13 1.1 .28
1 .28 .67 1.7 .59 8.0 .86
1 .31 .34 .24 .15 1.5 .31
1 .10 .16 .52 .031 3.3 .62
1 .32 .35 .21 .89 3.1 .20
1 .32 .59 1.1 .51 4.1 .24
1 .25 .14 .57 .15 2.0 .22
1 .34 .29 .53 .29 1.4 .46
1 .33 .44 .72 .47 3.4 .73
Summary of normalizations:
1 .28 .35 .71 .36 3.2 .43
standard deviation
.074 .17 .50 .26 2.0 .23
Machine configurations:
780: 11/780, Eagle disk on SC780, FPA, 4.2BSD, 4k/1k fs
MVAXI: MicroVAX I, Ultrix, (I think RD51 disk)
11/73: USDC 40ms disk with read cache, FPU, no FPA, PWB/Unix
Callan: Unistar 300, 68010
G8750: Gould Concept 32/8750, 4.1c BSD
11/70: FPA, BRL UNIX (V6/V7/2.9BSD), CDC 9766
Some assorted results:
Bench Norm Machine
NROFF .41 Fortune 32:16m 30Mb disk
NROFF .33 Plexus P35
NROFF .26 Onyx C5012
NROFFMM .34 Motorola Series 2000/260 (nroff -mm /dev/null, see below)
FLOAT .41 Masscomp 500 with FPA (see below for result without FPA)
COPY .18 3B2/300
GREP .29 3B2/300
Results from previous article:
PYR 780 750 11/44 11/34 11/23 MASS 3210 PC/XT 286
2.1 1 .49 .27 .19 .1 .38 .23 .080 .16
.6 1 .6 .3 .25 .17 .38 .17 .073 .17
2.5 1 .61 .71 .46 .26 .57 .36 .21 .56
.67 1 .57 .36 .27 .19 .4 .17 .075 .19
.27 1 .76 .31 .27 .034 .030 .33 .13 .0029
2.0 1 .59 .41 .30 .15 .76 .25 .22 .55
1.3 1 .5 .44 .4 .24 .4 .2 .13 .39
2 1 1 .16 .13 .13 .25 .1 .047 .10
1.3 1 .57 .33 .22 .14 .4 no -ms .12 .27
1.4 1 .55 .42 .34 .20 .5 .22 .16 .41
Summary of normalizations:
1.4 1 .62 .37 .28 .16 .41 .23 .12 .28
standard deviation
.74 .15 .14 .098 .067 .19 .08 .059 .19
Machine configurations:
PYR: Pyramid, Eagle disk, no FPA, running OSx (4.2BSD)
780: 11/780, Eagle disk on SC780, FPA, 4.2BSD, 4k/1k fs
750: 11/750, Eagle disk on SC750, FPA, 4.2BSD, 4k/1k fs
11/44: CDC 9762 disk, FPU, cache, PWB/Unix (512byte/block), 50 kernel buffers
11/34: CDC 9762 disk, FPU, cache, PWB/Unix (512byte/block), 10 kernel buffers
11/23: USDC 40ms disk with read cache, FPU, no FPA, PWB/Unix, 15 kernel buffers
MASS: Masscomp 500, no FPA, 4kb cache, virtual memory System III, 68010 10Mhz
3210: 32016 8Mhz, PDP11/23 IOP, 16081 FPU, GENIX (4.1BSD), no wait state mem
PC/XT 8088 w/ 8087 FPU, Venix
286 Intel 286/380, 80286 at 6Mhz, no 80287 FPU, XENIX, Priam 3450 35Mb disk
Notes and Comments:
- All machines were running multiuser with one user. Results presented
were reproduced with several trials. /usr/dict/words was confirmed to be of the
same 200kb size +- 2kb (1%). The MS macros were not compacted/compiled.
- The Gould sure provides multiples of 780 UNIX power, especially in
CPU bound programs.
- The MicroVAX I doesn't seem so bad in system performance and its right
where DEC said it would be. The RD51 disk is slow (85ms access) - a faster disk
should help the MicroVAX's system performance.
- For a $1300 CPU board, the 11/73 put on a respectable showing. DEC
promises a FPA for the 11/73 which should improve floating point performance
on the 11/73 by several times. Too bad about its address space limitations.
As usual, when DEC says that the 11/73 has "11/44-class performance", that
means its slightly less than an 11/44.
- I'm not sure that the 11/70 results are quite representative of a
properly configured 11/70, though they are probably close. Overall, the 11/70
results are not much better than the 11/44 (or 11/73).
- The Callan and the Masscomp seem to confirm that 68000 UNIX's have
an efficient system call mechanism. They also confirm the slowness of software
floating point. Masscomp has a FPP now which appears quite reasonable in
- I do not believe in the system times reported by the Ridge. Luckly,
system times do not affect the benchmark. The Ridge seems to have a very slow
C compiler and poor system call performance, but quite good integer performance.
- I benchmarked the same 11/44 running 2.9BSD and found its performance
to be almost identical to the above results using PWB/Unix. Its C compiler
performance was 20-30% better, but other specs were slightly worse. These
slight differences are likely to be due to differential performance between
the I/O systems of 2.9BSD and PWB/Unix.
- Just so you folks with System V don't feel left out...
The 780 and 750 running 4.2BSD did NROFF using instead the System V -mm
macros as follows:
780 NROFFMM r 14.3 u 10.5 s 2.4
750 NROFFMM r 22.5 u 17.6 s 3.6 n .66
while a 780 running System 3.0 did:
GREP r 6.0 u 4.2 s 1.3
COPY r 5.7 u 0.0 s 1.9
NROFFMM r 14.7 u 10.4 s 1.7
Thanks to Tim Tucker (ccvaxa!tucker) who provided the Gould 8750 and
the MicroVAX I times, Terry Sejnowski (green!terry) for the Ridge times, and
Ken Winston (wealth!ken) for the Callan 300 results.
Dan Ts'o
Dept. Neurobiology
Rockefeller Univ.
1230 York Ave.
NY, NY 10021
Appendix of times:
780 MVAXI 11/73 Ridge Callan G8750 11/70
r 2.6 12 10 2.4 6 0! 8
u 2.5 12.0 10.4 1.9 6.3 .6 7.1
s 0 .2 0 0 .2 0 .1
n 1 .21 .24 1.3 .40 4.2 .28
r 3.4 11 11 18.0 27 3 12
u .7 2.3 .7 5.5 2.7 .2 0
s 1.6 5.0 3.5 .7 3.0 .8 .7
n 1 .31 .31 .19 .13 1.1 .28
r 2.6 8 4 1.9 4 0! 3
u 2.4 8.5 3.6 1.4 4.1 .3 2.8
s 0 .2 .1 0 .2 0 .2
n 1 .28 .67 1.7 .59 8.0 .86
r 4.4 14 13 18.4 29 3 14
u 1.7 5.0 1.8 6.8 4.2 .5 0
s 1.6 5.3 3.8 .7 2.6 .9 .6
n 1 .31 .34 .24 .15 1.5 .31
r 1.4 13 8 2.9 41 0! 2
u 1.3 13.1 8.3 2.5 41.4 .4 2.1
s 0 .2 0 0 .3 0 .1
n 1 .10 .16 .52 .031 3.3 .62
r 18.6 58 53 88.3 20 6 92
u 2.5 7.3 6.6 37.1 1.3 .8 2.5
s 15.8 51.4 45.9 13.5 19.5 6.1 89.2
n 1 .32 .35 .21 .89 3.1 .20
r 4.1 13 7 3.8 8 1 16
u 2.9 11.2 3.1 2.7 6.3 .9 12.3
s .5 1.6 2.6 0 .9 .2 3.3
n 1 .32 .59 1.1 .51 4.1 .26
r 2.0 8 14 3.5 13 1 9
u 0 0 0 .2 0 0 0
s .7 2.4 5.7 .1 1.7 .4 6.2
n 1 .25 .14 .57 .15 2.0 .22
r 4.1 12 14 7.8 14 3 9
u 2.9 9.4 7.1 3.9 6.4 1.2 4.9
s .6 1.7 3.0 .1 1.7 .6 3.5
n 1 .34 .29 .53 .29 1.4 .46
r 37.8 115 86 52.6 80 11 52
u 33.9 103.7 54.5 26.5 53.8 9.5 36.2
s 2.1 7.3 19.0 1.3 5.9 .9 13.7
n 1 .33 .44 .72 .47 3.4 .73
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