Sites running UNIX on Perkin-Elmer computers.
Carl P. Swail
carl at nrcaero.UUCP
Wed Oct 3 23:11:20 AEST 1984
I am interested in hearing from sites running UNIX on Perkin-Elmer machines.
P-E's Edition VII Workbench has a number of odd bugs. I would like to
put together a list of P-E sites so that we could circulate bug reports
and solutions. This may become increasingly important as Perkin-Elmer
releases their System V port (Xelos). At this point I don't feel that
there are enough sites to justify setting up a separate news group for
I am at present the SIG chairman for UNIX in Perkin-Elmer's Users Group.
We are reporting bugs and fixes in our newsletter now and I would like
to get these out to a wider audience.
In closing I would like to put in a plug for the P-E Users Group Meeting
in Cherry Hill, NJ next month (October 22 - 25). There should be a number
of interesting sessions for P-E UNIX users.
I apologize in advance for posting this to 'unix-wizards' but it is probably
the most widely read group.
Please mail me your responses.
Thanks in advance.
Carl Swail Mail: National Research Council of Canada
Building U-66, Montreal Road
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0R6
Phone: (613) 998-3408
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