Actual tricks, shells, csh aliases and the like, 1 of 3
Nancy Blachman
nancy at resonex.UUCP
Wed Oct 17 07:20:53 AEST 1984
> [Know anybody with a GREAT .login or .cshrc?]
> I'm interested in collecting the little tricks, shell scripts, awk
> hacks, csh aliases, and such that people have built to make their daily
> life a little easier or more automatic. Being a fairly new system
> administrator I don't have the big toolbox that years of messing around
> will leave you with. If you have any hacks you're proud of (or that
> you aren't proud of, but which work anyway), and you're willing to make
> them public, mail them to me. I'll collect, collate, shuffle, sort,
> munge, judge, select and discard them and then "summarize to the net".
This article concentrates on aliases, and .cshrc and .login files I received
in response to my solicitation. The second article in this series focuses
shell scripts. The third article centers on C programs and awk scripts.
> Nancy Blachman {allegra,hplabs,ihnp4,sun}!resonex!nancy (408)720 8600 x37 <
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To: ihnp4!resonex!nancy
Subject: aliases
Here's a few handy aliases to put your current working
directory into your prompt:
alias cd chdir \!:\* \; set prompt='${cwd}\[!\]\ ' \; setenv CWD '$cwd'
alias pd pushd \!:\* \; set prompt='${cwd}\[!\]\ ' \; setenv CWD '$cwd'
alias pp popd \!:\* \; set prompt='${cwd}\[!\]\ ' \; setenv CWD '$cwd'
These put the current directory into the environment also, this is
for an editor used here locally which uses this information. You can delete
that part if you don't need it.
--Dave Curry
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From: hplabs!sdcrdcf!sdcsvax!greg (Greg Noel)
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 84 10:57:51 pdt
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Received: by sdcsvax.UCSD; Thu, 13 Sep 84 10:57:51 pdt
Return-Address: ucbvax!sdcsvax!greg or Greg at NOSC
Organization: NCR Corporation, Torrey Pines
To: sdcrdcf!hplabs!resonex!nancy
Subject: Re: Tricks, shell and awk scripts, csh aliases and the like
I have three little gems from my bag of tricks that I'd like to show you,
all for the C shell. The first is an alias for the `pwd' command:
alias pwd echo \$cwd
The built-in variable `cwd' always contains the current working directory,
and since `echo' is a built-in command, this is MUCH faster than invoking
a program to calculate the actual location. The only problem (and I don't
have a solution) is that it gets confused by symbolic links to directories.
The second one is something that turns the directory structure from something
passive into something active:
alias come if -e .greg_come source .greg_come
alias go if -e .greg_go source .greg_go
alias cd go \; set prev = \$cwd \; chdir \!\* \; \
echo \$prev ==\\\> \$cwd \; come
What this does is cause the shell to look for a specific file whenever it
transfers into a directory, and if it is there, source it. Also, whenever
you leave a directory, it looks for a different file and sources that before
leaving. I use this to set up location-specific aliases or to have something
happen auto-magicly whenever I work in some diretory -- for example, changing
into my `play' directory invokes a menu that will set up the environment and
run game programs -- different save files for `rogue' or other stuff that
I don't want to carry around with me all the time. It's more flexible than
it seems at first glance; the only thing I can suggest is to try it and you
will keep finding new ways to use it.
The last one is really a replacement for the `pushd' and `popd' commands --
I didn't like the way they worked, so I did these. It seperates the action
of pushing a directory from the action of changing directories. I wanted
this since I also have a whole bunch of aliases to move between widely-
seperated portions of the filesystem (something I do a lot) and it was
easier for me to type `push; u test' (which pushes the current directory
and takes me into the `test' subdirectory of something interesting) than
to type `pushd /long/complicated/path/test'. This isn't terribly original,
but the gem, and something I find VERY useful is the `back' command, which
takes you to the directory you last left, so you can bouce back and forth
between two directories -- one is the source location and one the test
location, for example. Anyway, here's what it looks like:
alias push set dirstack = \( \$cwd \$dirstack \) \; \
echo Pushing \\\[\$\#dirstack] \$cwd \; \!\*
alias pop cd \$dirstack\[1] \; set dirstack = \( \$dirstack\[2-] \)
alias back set dirstack = \( \$prev \$dirstack \) \; pop
alias pp set x = \$dirstack\[1] dirstack\[1] = \$cwd \; cd \$x
Notice that it interacts with the previous alias for `cd' in that it expects
the variable `prev' to have the previous directory (which is what `cd' leaves
in it). The `pp' alias is sometimes useful -- it pushes the current directory
while transfering to the old top of stack, a simultaneous push-pop.
I hope you found these interesting and entertaining.
-- Greg Noel, NCR Torrey Pines Greg at sdcsvax.UUCP or Greg at nosc.ARPA
Return-Path: <hplabs!tektronix!jerryp>
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id AA17959; Fri, 14 Sep 84 03:45:03 pdt
From: <hplabs!tektronix!jerryp>
Received: by HP-VENUS id AA07922; Fri, 14 Sep 84 03:12:13 pdt
Message-Id: <8409141012.AA07922 at HP-VENUS>
Date: Thursday, 13 Sep 84 09:48:55 PDT
To: resonex!nancy, jerryp
Subject: Re: Tricks, shell and awk scripts, csh aliases and the like
References: <164 at resonex.UUCP>
I'll mail you a few .cshrc and .login files. Unfortunately, I'm short on
time... so I can't comment a lot... but I'd be glad to answer any questions
you've got about how they work.
A summary of them:
1) This .cshrc file comes from the tektronix!tekred machine in Redmond,
Oregon. Its neat feature is that, when a user "su"'s to someone else's
account, their prompt changes
from %
to account>
where the "su"'d name appears before the >. Very nice, I think.
Also, they do a standard thing around here. The first line [if ($?prompt)]
checks to see if the .cshrc is being scanned by an interactive shell. If so,
the commands below are executed. If not (like a shell escape from "vi"), the
commands aren't executed. This really speeds up shell escapes! (I do the
same thing, in a different way, in my .cshrc file.)
2) This is my .login file. I should mention that I've got my own calendar
system that's updated every morning at 1 AM by "at". It sits in my
".calendar" directory. You'll see a lot of that stuff in the .login file.
3 & 4) I have *two* .cshrc files. One, ".cshrc", is the standard file. It
contains a limited list of aliases and setup commands. The other, ".cshrc2",
is one I source when I'll be logged on for a long time and doing a lot of
work. The .cshrc2 has time-saving aliases like "alias m more" in it.
At login, the .cshrc is always read. This sets my prompt to something like
where # is the C-shell history number. Also, since my system is so busy, I
have a "quick login" setup in .cshrc to let me see my mail immediately and
logout without doing anything else, if I want to. This quick-login has a
prompt set... the Bourne-shell prompt.
If I want an extended login, I execute the alias "res" (from .cshrc). It sets
alarms automatically (for meetings, etc... from my .calendar directory) and
re-sets my prompt to something like
That way, I know that I've got all my aliases available.
Since my system is overloaded, this dual-.cshrc system saves me time and
hassle... .cshrc2 takes a long time to source.
--Jerry Peek, UNIX Training Instructor, Tektronix, Inc.
US Mail: MS 76-036, P.O. Box 500, Beaverton, OR 97077
uucp: {allegra,decvax,hplabs,ihnp4,mit-eddie,ucbvax}!tektronix!jerryp
CSnet: jerryp at tek
ARPAnet: jerryp.tek at csnet-relay
Phone: 503/627-1603
FILE #1 (.cshrc):
if ($?prompt) then
set history=20
set path=(. $home/bin /usr/local /usr/tek /usr/public /usr/ucb /bin /usr/bin)
set mail=(300 /usr/spool/mail/$home:t /etc/motd)
source ~/.aliases
set prompt=`whoami | sed -e 's/ .*//' -e 's/user=//'`
if ($prompt == $user || $prompt == "") then
set prompt="% "
set prompt="$prompt> "
FILE #2 (.login):
uptime # show system load
set ignoreeof # do not logout on EOF (^D)
set noclobber # do not overwrite files with > or >>
cp ~/.exrc8 ~/.exrc # set up vi/ex to environment in ~/.exrc8
setenv EDIT /usr/ucb/vi # set default editor to vi
setenv PRINTER uph # if type "man -Tlpr", use "uph" to store for printing
setenv NEWSBOX ~ # save news (readnews "s") in home directory or beneath
set noglob; eval `tset -srQm 'plugboard:?4025'`; unset noglob
stty new crt # new tty driver, crt terminal, see newtty(4)
stty tostop hup # stop background jobs on output, hangup hw on logout
limit filesize 2000 # do not write file > 2,000,000 bytes
limit coredumpsize 0 # prevent core dumps when csh bombs
touch .llog # set correct last login time for finger
if ($TERM == 'tek4023' || $TERM =~ aaa*inv ) then
setenv MORE -u
else if (($TERM == qume5) || ($TERM == dumb)) then
mesg n
exit 0
# immediate notification (every 60 seconds) of mail:
set mail = (60 /usr/spool/mail/$user /etc/motd)
# check /etc/motd for changes; if any, show them and (maybe) add to calendar:
diff ~/.calendar/last.motd /etc/motd >! /tmp/motd.diff
if ( $status != 0 ) then
echo "< = old MOTD ... > = new MOTD"
more /tmp/motd.diff
echo "To read the new MOTD into the calendar, answer y. To ignore it, answer q."
echo -n "Otherwise, hit RETURN: "
set ans = $<
if ($ans == "y") then
cat /etc/motd | tee -a ~/.calendar/calendar >! ~/.calendar/last.motd
vi + ~/.calendar/calendar
echo "To reset *today's* calendars, type 'calendar.set -F'."
else if ($ans == "q") then
cat /etc/motd >! ~/.calendar/last.motd
echo "--------------------"
inc # put new mail, if any, in ~/.mail/inbox
echo "--------------------"
set time = 10 # for jobs that take longer than 10, show how long
if !(-z ~/.calendar/mesg.login) then
echo "Here are the login messages, "`date '+%a %D'`
echo ""
doublespace ~/.calendar/mesg.login
echo "For an uptime graph, type 'upgr'."
FILE #3 (.cshrc):
# if this is a non-interactive shell, quit.
if ( ! $?prompt) exit 0
# save login system search path, removing leading "." (thanx to tekig!danr):
if ( ! $?SYSPATH ) setenv SYSPATH "$path[2-]"
# set default places to find commands (put current and .bin directories first):
set path=(. ~/.bin $SYSPATH /usr/public{,/texthelp} /usr3/{barbaraz/.,tcomm/}bin)
if (! $?LOGGEDIN) then
echo -n "For quick login (Bourne shell), answer y; otherwise, press RETURN: "
if ( "$<" =~ y* ) then
echo "To continue with login, press control-D; to logout, type 'stty 0'"
/bin/sh -i
echo "Continuing with standard login..."
setenv LOGGEDIN x
# set cd search path for directory names which aren't sub-directories:
set cdpath=(~ `finddirs ~/training{,/*} /usr3/tcomm/unix{,/*}` ~/.bin ~/.log ~/.mail ~/stuff ~/tape*)
set history=1000 # keep the last 1000 commands in history
# use /usr/public/prompt to get massaged directory name for prompt-setting:
set prompt = "<`prompt ~ $cwd`,"{\!}"> "
# edit my calendar:
alias calen 'vi ~/.calendar/calendar; echo '"To reset today\'s calendars, type calendar.set -F"''
# change directory, reset prompt:
alias cd 'chdir \!*; set prompt = "<`prompt ~ $cwd`,"{\!}"> "'
# add to specified .log directory
alias log 'echo "Put a .ze at end of file, unless last log of this set.";vi + ~/.log/`cat ~/.log/latestlog`/\!*'
# create newterm command to allow terminal-type change
alias newterm 'set noglob;eval `tset -srQ \!*`;unset noglob'
# sets alarms (if any) and sources '.cshrc2' (my other alias list)
alias res '~/.bin/alarm.set ; source ~/.cshrc2'
alias todo 'vi ~/todo\!*' # change one of the "to do" lists
FILE #4 (.cshrc2):
# notify immediately when background jobs are finished
set notify
# prompt with current directory name, history number:
alias s_p 'set prompt = "[`prompt ~ $cwd`,"{\!}"] "'
# set 'vi' for 4-character tabs/shifts:
alias 4vi 'cp ~/.exrc{4,}; echo "MODE: programming"'
# set 'vi' for 8-character tabs/shifts:
alias 8vi 'cp ~/.exrc{8,}; echo "MODE: text"'
# set 'vi' for quick work (no .exrc file):
alias qvi 'rm ~/.exrc; echo "MODE: quick"'
# easy way to compile "C" programs (ring bell if filename ends with ".c"):
alias C 'if ("\!*" =~ *.c) yes ;mv \!* ,\!*;echo \!*.c" SENT TO cc";cc \!*.c -o \!*;if (-e \!*) chmod 311 \!*'
# show alarms that (may be) set... and message explaining them:
alias alarms 'echo "These alarms have been set:";cat ~/.calendar/mesg.alarm; \ps | fgrep ".bin/nleave"'
# change back to previous directory:
alias c- 'set x=$cwd; chdir $lastdir; s_p; set lastdir=$x'
# edit my calendar:
alias calen 'v8 ~/.calendar/calendar; echo '"To reset today\'s calendars, type calendar.set -F"''
# see today's calendars:
alias cals 'cat ~/.calendar/mesg.*'
# save current directory for 'c-', change directory, reset prompt:
alias cd 'set lastdir=$cwd; chdir \!*; s_p'
# see mail without inc'ing it:
alias checkm 'see /usr/spool/mail/jerryp'
# same as 'cd', but lists directory, too:
alias cl 'set lastdir=$cwd; chdir \!*; ls -F; s_p'
# same as 'cl', but gives long list:
alias cll 'set lastdir=$cwd; chdir \!*; ls -l; s_p'
alias f 'grep "^\!*" /etc/passwd' # quick version of "finger -s"
alias H 'history -r | fgrep "\!*"' # find something in history list
alias h history 5 # show last five lines
alias hi history 10 # show last ten lines
alias his history 20 # show last twenty lines
alias hist 'history 40|m' # show last forty lines; pipe to 'more'
alias histo 'history 70|m' # show last seventy lines; pipe to 'more'
# send output of command to 'pr' (with command as header), then to uph:
alias hpr '\!* | pr -h "\!*" | uph'
alias j 'jobs -l >! /tmp/j$$; pushin /tmp/j$$; rm /tmp/j$$'
# show job status (process numbers, too) squeezed onto one line each
alias lc 'ls *.c' # list all C source code in this directory
# add to specified .log directory
alias log 'echo "Put a .ze at end of file, unless last log of this set.";v8 + ~/.log/`cat ~/.log/latestlog`/\!*'
# list executable files, 5 columns, sorted across 80-wide line:
alias lx 'lf -1 | fgrep \* | pr -t -5 -l1 -w80'
alias m more # shortened form of 'more' command
# faster pwd (singlequotes prevent expansion before it's executed):
alias pwd 'echo $cwd'
# re-start inverse video on Ann Arbors:
alias reinv 'echo "[7m";clear'
# lock terminal until ^C and login password are entered:
alias somb /usr3/jos/bin/somb
alias showm 'inc;show' # get new mail
# give more info (how much time I've used) when using "status":
alias status 'source ~/.bin/status'
alias tcpr 'tcprint -p12 -m5 -ff \!* &' # typical quick "tcprint" use
alias todo 'v8 ~/todo\!*' # change one of the "to do" lists
alias up uptime
# make uptime graph:
alias upgr '(nohup uptime_graph ~/,up`date +%m%d.%H%M` &)'
# show uptime today's graph:
alias upsh 'uptime_show -20 ~/,up`date +%m%d`*'
# 'vi' for programming:
alias v4 '4vi;vi \!*'
# 'vi' for standard text:
alias v8 '8vi;vi \!*'
# call 'vi' with a search (must use 8vi because search requires a 'wrapscan')
alias vs '8vi; vi +/\!*'
alias write '/usr4/danr/bin/rite -c \!*' # show each character as it's typed
#alias cd 'set lastdir=$cwd;chdir \!*;set prompt="`~/.bin/prompt`"'
# change to maps directory:
#alias maps 'cd /usr/spool/news/lib/maps;echo "switching to newsa";su newsa;set $user=jerryp;c-'
# keep "at" job from dying because of long EXINIT:
#alias niterun 'setenv EXINIT "set sw=8";\niterun \!*;8vi'
#alias du ~danr/bin/du # improved version of "directory usage" query
# format text, save in file".ty", then show it on the crt:
#alias typeup '~/.bin/type \!* >! \!*:r; more \!*:r'
# give description of 'ps' codes before doing the 'ps':
#alias ps 'cat ~/;\ps \!*'
# easy way to compile and run "C" programs
# (ring bell if filename ends with ".c"):
#alias c 'if ("\!*" =~ *.c) yes ;mv \!* ,\!*;echo \!*.c" SENT TO cc";cc \!*.c -o \!*;echo "press ^C to stop execution";sleep 2;./\!*'
# easy way to change editor environment files:
#alias adde 'vi ~/.exrc\!*; set ex=(`cat ~/.exrc\!*`); setenv EXINIT "$ex"'
#alias rmm '\rmm \!* &' # remove mail in background
# faster "man" listings:
#alias man 'echo "man -q:"; \man -q \!*'
# improved spell routine (write-protected dictionary):
#alias spel 'chmod +w ~/.misspell; /usr/public/spel \!*;chmod -w ~/.misspell'
# show whether using ~/.exrc4 or ~/.exrc8:
#alias vi 'echo "MODE: "$EXSTAT;/usr/ucb/vi \!*'
#alias comp '8vi;\comp \!*' # set 'vi' for text before doing the 'comp'
# show last ten users of "tcprint" program:
#alias tcp tail /usr3/tcomm/.tcprint/log
# favorite "ps" (gives PID, PPID, STAT, TT, TIME, and long description):
#alias p 'ps lwx | cut -c12-22,53- | nfold'
Return-Path: <ihnp4!seismo!umcp-cs!chris>
Received: by resonex.UUCP (4.12/4.7)
id AA13274; Thu, 13 Sep 84 05:40:53 pdt
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id AA23318; Thu, 13 Sep 84 02:16:31 edt
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 84 02:16:31 edt
From: ihnp4!seismo!umcp-cs!chris (Chris Torek)
Message-Id: <8409130616.AA23318 at maryland.ARPA>
To: ihnp4!resonex!nancy
Subject: Re: Tricks, shell and awk scripts, ...
Actually Re: [Know anybody with a GREAT .login or .cshrc?]:
I don't know about *great*, but I'm probably one of the candidates for
*slowest* . . . . FYA (For Your Amusement), here's my .login and .cshrc
on this machine (they're not the same on tove, gyre, gymble, and eneevax).
: Run this shell script with "sh" not "csh"
export PATH
if [ $1x = -ax ]; then
/bin/echo 'Extracting .cshrc'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >.cshrc
if ($?prompt) then
echo -n '['
set path=(. ~chris/bin ~chris/sys /usr/local/bin /g/local /usr/ucb /bin /usr/bin /usr/games /etc /usr/hosts)
echo -n 'cshrc]'
set ignoreeof history=100 time=2 mail=(10 /usr/spool/mail/chris) cdpath=(~ /g/VOTRAX ~/bin /g/chris ..) S=/usr/spool/uucp CICO=/usr/lib/uucp/uucico
alias hh history;alias h 'history 20';alias j jobs;alias o popd
alias status 'echo $status';alias so source;alias bye logout
alias p pushd;alias done 'echo ';alias kb "rm -i .*.bak *.bak .*.CKP *.CKP"
alias kc "rm -i .*.CKP *.CKP";alias e emacs;alias @@term 'kill -9 $$'
alias af ~chris/af/af;alias cdl "cd \!:1;ls \!:2*";alias lsl "ls -li"
alias lsa "ls -A";alias lsla "ls -lai";alias up "cd ..";alias upl "cd ..;ls"
alias cdll "cd \!:1;lsl \!:2*";alias lsld "lsl -d";alias lslg "lsl -g"
alias upll "cd ..;lsl";alias pl "pushd \!:1;ls \!:2*";alias z logout
alias pll "pushd \!:1;lsl \!:2*";alias ol "popd;ls";alias oll "popd;lsl"
alias cdla "cd \!:1;lsla \!:2*";alias v80 'echo -n "[?2l";set term=VT52'
alias v132 'echo -n "[?2l";set term=VT52.132';alias ansi 'echo -n "<"'
alias fix 'stty newcrt erase kill ';alias ca 'ex "+1,.|q"'
alias own 'cp \!:1 /tmp/own$$;rm -f \!:1;mv /tmp/own$$ \!:1'
alias save 'cp \!:1 \!:1.old;chmod a-w \!:1.old;chmod +w \!:1'
alias c80 'echo -n "[?3l";set term=DT80';alias suspend 'suspend;dirs'
alias col80 'echo -n "[?3l";colnum 80';alias a alias
alias c132 'echo -n "[?3h";set term=DT80.132'
alias col132 'echo -n "[?3h";colnum 132'
alias hold 'echo -n "[H[J[12;20H[5mI'"'"'ll be right back[m[20H";lock;echo -n "[H[J"'
alias feed '(sleep 3000;echo Feeding time\\!)&'
alias open 'set noglob;eval `/usr/chris/bin/open \!:*`;unset noglob'
alias loav /usr/mark/bin/load
setenv VISUAL /usr/ucb/vi;setenv EDITOR /usr/local/bin/emacs
setenv EPATH :/usr/chris/emacs:/usr/israel/emacs:/usr/emacs/loclib:/usr/emacs/maclib
alias dir ls;alias era rm;alias printman /usr/man/printman;alias d dirs
alias clx 'rm -f /tmp/X_lock.\!:1 /usr/spool/uucp/LCK..\!:1'
alias aasize 'set noglob;eval `/usr/local/bin/aasize \!:1`;unset noglob'
alias aasave 'set noglob;eval `/usr/local/bin/aasave \!:1`;unset noglob'
alias down 'cd `echo */|awk '\''{print $1}'\''`;echo $cwd'
alias downl 'down;ls';alias downll 'down;lsl';alias mark 'set \!:1=$cwd'
alias lso 'lsla | sort +4 -rn';alias edenv 'source ~chris/bin/edenv'
alias aibib 'echo \!*|lookbib -n -p /usr/randy/papers/airefs|page'
alias checkque /usr/lib/mmdf/checkque;alias sum-dial /usr/lib/mmdf/sum-dial
alias deliver 'sh -c "HOME=/ /usr/lib/mmdf/deliver \!:*"'
alias ll 'ls -l';alias tm 'telnet'; alias uptime
umask 22
if ($?prompt) then
set prompt='[\!] '
echo ''
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
/bin/chmod 644 .cshrc
/bin/echo -n ' '; /bin/ls -ld .cshrc
/bin/echo 'Extracting .login'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >.login
stty erase ^H kill ^X intr decctlq nl0 cr0 ff0
cd;setenv TERMCAP /usr/chris/.termcap
# cp .exrc1 .exrc
# Set up the terminal
# 4025=Tek4025 sd=dialup x1=Xer 1750 GG=Gigi d4=GT40 aaa=AAA else DT80
# if (`slowtty` == y) then
# cp .mailrc2 .mailrc
# else
# cp .mailrc1 .mailrc
# endif
set wantbaud=0
switch ($TERM)
case su:
case network:
set wantbaud=1
case sd:
case unknown:
set term=`/ful/chris/bin/selterm`
goto top
case 4025:
stty crt tabs;tabset.tek
case h6:
case hp:
case hp2623:
case hp2626:
stty tabs crt
case v550:
stty crt;set prompt='[7m[\!][m '
case GG:
stty crt;unsetenv TERMCAP;set prompt='[7m[\!][m '
case d4:
set term=gt40;stty crt
case aaa:
case aaa-60:
set term=aaa prompt='[7m[\!][m ';stty tabs crt;unsetenv TERMCAP
aakey -f /ful/chris/.aakeys
if (`tty` =~ /dev/tty*) then
echo -n 'Lines? [30] '
set lines=$<
if ($lines != ) then
aasize $lines
case h19:
case h19a:
case kb:
set term=h19a prompt='[7m[\!][m ';stty tabs crt crtkill
case Dq:
case DT80:
case D5:
case vt100:
set term=DT80 prompt='[7m[\!][m '
echo -n '[?4l';stty crt
unsetenv TERMCAP;echo "Wonder what $TERM is?"
if ($wantbaud == 1) then
unset wantbaud lines
# mailcount
setenv ROGUEOPTS 'jump,ask,terse,flush,passgo,fruit=hregfx'
setenv PAGER /usr/ucb/page
setenv SPELL_LISTS /ful/chris/.splist
alias logout 'source /ful/chris/.logout.';alias exit logout
# /usr/games/fortune
w; # calend; /usr/chris/bin/ac 22:00
echo ----------------------------------------------------------
# rehist .history
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
/bin/chmod 644 .login
/bin/echo -n ' '; /bin/ls -ld .login
Return-Path: <hplabs!sdcrdcf!sdcsvax!sdcc6!loral!hlb>
Received: by resonex.UUCP (4.12/4.7)
id AA24835; Fri, 14 Sep 84 23:18:30 pdt
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From: hplabs!sdcrdcf!sdcsvax!sdcc6!loral!hlb (Howard Brandell)
Message-Id: <8409142159.AA02600 at loral.UUCP>
To: sdcc6!sdcsvax!sdcrdcf!hplabs!resonex!nancy
Subject: .cshrc
I am sending my entire .cshrc file because I have some things in it
that help me out.
Firstly, note the aliases that allow me to selectively read those
newsgroups of interest. Aha! You may say I can put it all in the
.newsrc file and have the system inform me when there is news and
read it out simultaneously. But, sometimes we get news during the
course of the day and I likre to check my favorites continuously.
Also, not the aliases for tip. These allow me to dial my remote
locations with both spped and accuracy. As an aside, I have
created a .tiprc file which logs all my remote host conversation
into a file. In this way, nothing is lost. Note the 'rt' command
which allows me to purge tiplog.
alias a alias
a sd "msg,gju,glw,kay,sdi"
a ds "chmod 600 .signature"
a es "chmod 640 .signature"
a vc "ccalc"
a m "mail"
a p "more"
a rk "readnews -n"
a ra "readnews -n"
a ri "readnews -n net.micro.pc"
a rs "readnews -n sdnet.computing"
a rb "readnews -n"
a rn "readnews -n net.columbia"
a rw "readnews -n net.wanted"
a rl "readnews -n"
a r "readnews"
a logs "readnews -n net.sources -l>sources.log"
a motd "cat /etc/motd|more"
a h "history -r \!*|more"
a t1 "tip 561-7271"
a t2 "tip 452-1869"
a t3 "tip 283-1538"
a t4 "tip 692-1961"
a t5 "tip 270-1166"
a t6 "tip 217-1900"
a rt "rm tiplog"
a bye logout
a cd "cd \!* ; dirs"
a term 'set noglob; eval `tset -n -s \!*`'
a wat "ps -au | more"
a pv printenv
a j "jobs -l"
a f "finger|more"
a l ls -F
if ( $?prompt == 1 ) then
set prompt="\!: "
set mail=(60 /usr/spool/mail/$USER)
set history = 24
set cdpath = (. ~)
Also note the aliases for the more mundane commands, like mail
and more -c.
Hope this has been of some help. Please disregard my earlier
transmission as I had some operational difficulties. Thx.
Return-Path: <sun!dagobah!mike>
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id AA15952; Tue, 18 Sep 84 02:37:05 pdt
From: sun!dagobah!mike
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id AA17448; Mon, 17 Sep 84 23:27:05 pdt
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 84 23:27:05 pdt
Message-Id: <8409180627.AA17448 at sun.uucp>
Received: by dagobah; 17 SEP 84 23:24:41 PDT
To: sun!resonex!nancy
Subject: .cshrc
set mail=(10 /usr/spool/mail/$user)
set path=(. ~/bin /usr/lfl/bin /usr/ucb /bin /usr/bin /usr/hosts /usr/suntool)
set cdpath = ( . .. ~ /usr /u0 /u1 /audio)
set mail=(10 /usr/spool/mail/$user)
set msgs=(10 /usr/msgs/bounds)
set history = 50
source ~/.aliases
set D = /net/dagobah/u0/mike
set d = /net/dim/u0/mike
set k = /net/kessel/u0/mike
set n = /net/nellybell/u0/mike
if (! $?HOST) setenv HOST `hostname`
alias s_prompt 'set prompt = "[$HOST\\\!$cwd]\\
% "'
alias cd 'cd \!*; s_prompt'
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id AA15963; Tue, 18 Sep 84 02:37:20 pdt
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id AA17459; Mon, 17 Sep 84 23:27:19 pdt
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 84 23:27:19 pdt
Message-Id: <8409180627.AA17459 at sun.uucp>
Received: by dagobah; 17 SEP 84 23:24:55 PDT
To: sun!resonex!nancy
Subject: .aliases
alias alice cu -s 1200 2016654115
alias rabbit cu -s 1200 2016654150
alias yale cu -s 1200 2034323510
alias ajax cu -s 1200 2015828265
alias ts 'setenv TERM `tset - \!* -Q`;set term = $TERM;unsetenv TERMCAP;'
alias aa "ts aaa-26; aaapf"
alias aaa aa
alias h history
alias l 'ls -Fa'
alias lp l -t
alias ll 'ls -laF | more'
alias wo /u0/td/bin/who
alias m 'make \!* >>& errors &'
alias mail Mail
alias ml /bin/mail
alias lm ml
alias rml 'rm -f /usr/spool/mail/mike'
alias RM '/bin/rm -rf'
alias clean 'rm *.o core errors a.out'
alias CLEAN 'RM *.o core errors a.out ~/.REMOVED; mkdir ~/.REMOVED'
alias die 'clear; kill -HUP $$'
alias tlog tail -f /usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE
alias ter tail -f errors
# For job control:
# Use 'fg' to bring job into the foreground, 'bg' to run job in background.
# 'v', to restart vi editor
# 'W', to restart ice editor
# 'j', to list out jobs
# 'k', to kill jobs; 'k 2' kills job [2]; 'k' kills the most recent job (+).
alias v %vi
alias j jobs
alias k 'kill %\!*'
alias sysline ~/bin/sysline -Dhmrj
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Date: Fri, 21 Sep 84 01:17:43 cdt
From: ihnp4!uiucdcs!liberte (Daniel LaLiberte)
Message-Id: <8409210617.AA25875 at uiucdcs.Uiuc>
To: sun!resonex!nancy
Subject: second try
From liberte Fri Sep 21 01:16:39 1984
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id AA25828; Fri, 21 Sep 84 01:15:40 cdt
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 84 01:15:40 cdt
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Subject: Returned mail: Unable to deliver mail
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id AA25803; Fri, 21 Sep 84 01:15:40 cdt
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 84 01:15:40 cdt
From: liberte (Daniel LaLiberte)
Message-Id: <8409210615.AA25803 at uiucdcs.Uiuc>
To: nancy at resonex
Subject: .cshrc trick
I like my recursive prompt that shows the depth of shell calls with added
">"s. It also gives a different prompt for my superuser which has the same
home. Additionally, we have several vaxes, uiucdcs*, networked with
ethernet. Upgrades are easier with the same .cshrc on all machines.
if (! $?PROMPT) setenv PROMPT "" # initialize
setenv PROMPT "$PROMPT>" # add ">"
if ($?prompt) then
set sys = `hostname`
if ("$prompt" == "% ") then # regular user
set prompt = `echo $sys | sed s/uiucdcs//`
else if ("$prompt" == "# ") then # super user
set prompt = "$sys#"
set prompt = "$prompt\!$PROMPT "
My login prompt (on uiucdcs) is:
A csh call will produce:
Remote login to uiucdcsb, for example:
Superuser on uiucdcsb:
I have an alarm script and a spooled rcp that both use `at`.
Daniel LaLiberte
Return-Path: <hplabs!kg>
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id AA00272; Sun, 7 Oct 84 22:23:56 pdt
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 84 20:35:02 pdt
From: Ken Greer <hplabs!kg>
Received: by HP-VENUS id AA04473; Sun, 7 Oct 84 20:35:02 pdt
Message-Id: <8410080335.AA04473 at HP-VENUS>
To: resonex!nancy
Subject: Xmas is early this year...
Here's what I thought were the most interesting things in my
csh profile.
1. Prompt is (curdir hist#), or [curdir hist#] if running as su.
The brackets stack, so if I login as kg and su to kgsu, my prompt
is [(curdir hist#)] indicating my previous shell was non-su.
In both cases, the current directory always appears in prompt.
2. On that subject, I heartily recommend a separate su login
for each su-er on a system. This lets everyone have their
own profile, and when they quit you don't have to change the su passwd,
just remove their su.
3. The directory stuff. (I prefer it to pushd/popd.)
ds - displays directory stack (set to length DSSIZE below).
go # - go to directory item number #
back - go to previous directory.
cd - stack current directory and go to a new one. Oldest directories
fall off end of stack (whose size is DSSIZE).
4. The "e" and "ec" commands let you edit the last or any command.
If works with a special program. Would you like that?
5. Delete/Undelete - special program. Lets you recover deleted
files up to three days (user selectable).
6. Do you know about my tcsh? Not sure how it fits in with tricks though.
# Fancy prompt...
if ($?prompt) then
if (! $?LEFTPROMPT) setenv LEFTPROMPT ""
if (`whoami` == root) then
set path=(~/bin /usr/local/etc /etc /usr/local/bin /usr/ucb /bin /usr/bin .)
set path=(~/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/ucb /bin /usr/bin .)
alias setprompt 'set prompt = "${LEFTPROMPT}${cwd} \\!${RIGHTPROMPT} "'
alias a alias
# directory manipulation...
set DSSIZE = 10
if (! $?DS) set DS = (~)
a back 'set xx=$DS[$#DS] DS[$#DS]=$cwd; chdir $xx; unset xx; setprompt'
a go 'set xx=$DS[\!*] DS[\!*]=$cwd; chdir $xx; unset xx; setprompt'
a ds 'echo $DS | tr " " "\012" | cat -n'
a cd 'if ($#DS >= $DSSIZE) shift DS; set DS = ($DS $cwd);chdir \!*; setprompt'
# virtual remove...
a rm del
a rm! /bin/rm
# edit command...
a e '/usr/local/bin/ec \!-1:q'
a ec '/usr/local/bin/ec "\!*:q"'
# misc...
a j jobs
a ls '/usr/ucb/ls -F'
a tag '/usr/ucb/vi -ta \!*'
a ts 'set noglob;eval `tset -s -Q \!*`'
a wd 'echo $cwd'
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id AA13386; Thu, 13 Sep 84 07:46:34 pdt
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id AA07369; Thu, 13 Sep 84 08:36:54 edt
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id AA11602; Thu, 13 Sep 84 08:36:47 edt
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 84 08:36:47 edt
From: sun!decvax!genrad!teddy!dls (Diana L. Syriac)
Message-Id: <8409131236.AA11602 at teddy.UUCP>
To: genrad!decvax!decwrl!sun!idi!resonex!nancy
Subject: Re: Tricks, shell and awk scripts, csh aliases and the like
In-Reply-To: your article <164 at resonex.UUCP>
I'm sorry, I don't really have any "tricks" to make life easier, I'm also
a rather new Unix user....except for one:
I use setenv a lot to define a bunch of directories that I use
a lot. For example, I have in my .cshrc:
setenv obc ~doc/rts/obc
So anytime I want to get to that directory (or just look at it), I
just type: ls $obc/filename
These environment variables work inside of mail as well as inside of
I suppose you already have that one from other people.
We also have on our system some "local" programs that make life a lot easier:
We have an "lf" and "dir" that replaces "ls" and "ls -l", but with an added
feature: directories are displayed in bold letter, executables are displayed
in reverse video and special files are displayed in flashing letters. It's
quite easy to see at a glance what the files are or where you want to go.
We also have a "pushd" and "popd" which replace the "cd" command.
pushd directory
will pushd a directory onto the "stack", and change to it. After you're
finished with that directory, just typing
will put you back to where you were. There is a "dirs" command to
allow you to look at the "stack" to see where you are, where you've been.
If you use "cd" instead, it's smart enough to change your stack and replace
the current directory with the one specified in "cd". And if you just say
"pushd" by itself, it will SWAP the current directory with the last directory
you were in, making it very easy to toggle between two directories.
Other things that we've done:
Built a script for the nroff command that is used by most people
on the system, including macros and some "local" filters to make it look
nice on terminal, line printer, and diablo. I have also created a little
program which can be used in conjunction with nroff to produce "change bars"
at the left margin of documents. We used the change bars quite a lot under
vms rno.
We have a set of programs that produce "C" listings, with a table
of contents showing all files AND routines, page numbered and file numbered,
each file has a line number at left margin indicating file and line number
(eg: 3.41 refers to file 3, line 41), and at the very end of listing, there
is a cross-reference of all tokens, giving file.line references. Part of
this set of programs was taken directly off the net and modified for our
own use.
Well, that's all that I can think of for now. BUT what I really mailed
to you was for something that I want. At the last DECUS, one of the speakers
demonstrated a little program that he wrote that allowed him to keep a
running log of what he did every day. The program started up when he logged
on, and ran in the background. Every 15 minutes, it would beep at him,
asking him to input a line telling what he was currently doing. If ignored,
it would beep at him every minute until he input something to it. I don't
know who the guy was, and I lost his business card, but I'd sure like to
get that program if you have it. Thanks much.
Diana L. Syriac
GenRad, Concord, Ma.
Return-Path: <sun!dagobah!mike>
Received: by resonex.UUCP (4.12/4.7)
id AA15945; Tue, 18 Sep 84 02:36:52 pdt
From: sun!dagobah!mike
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id AA17436; Mon, 17 Sep 84 23:26:53 pdt
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 84 23:26:53 pdt
Message-Id: <8409180626.AA17436 at sun.uucp>
Received: by dagobah; 17 SEP 84 23:24:31 PDT
To: sun!resonex!nancy
Subject: .login
#tset -m dialup:aaa-60 -Q
tset -m dialup:c100-4p -Q
setenv TERM $term
switch ($TERM)
case dialup:
set term = aaa-60; setenv TERM $term
case c100-4:
case c108-4p:
case c100-4p:
stty new erase "^?"
biff y
setenv notify true
setenv CWD $cwd
setenv SHELL /bin/csh
setenv MAIL ~/Mail
setenv MANPATH /u0/pn/man:/u0/mike/Man:/usr/lfl/man:/usr/man
setenv INCPATH /usr/lfl/include:/usr/include:/u0/mike/Include
setenv LIBPATH /usr/lfl/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:/u0/mike/Lib
setenv LOADPATH /usr/src/lfl/bin/emacs.unipress/emacs4.2/maclib
setenv EDITOR /usr/ucb/vi
uupoll ucbvax
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id AA22009; Fri, 14 Sep 84 17:10:04 pdt
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Date: Fri, 14 Sep 84 10:42:43 edt
From: Jay Weber <amd!mordor!ut-sally!seismo!rochester!jay>
To: ut-sally!mordor!dual!amd!resonex!nancy
Subject: Re: Tricks, shell and awk scripts, csh aliases and the like
References: <164 at resonex.UUCP>
I use the hold option in my .mailrc, which keeps messages around
until you explicitly delete them. That's a popular option since
it makes it easy to keep around descriptions of things to do, but
it gets hard to tell when you have new mail and how much. So, I
have this in my .login:
@ newmail= `from $mail[$#mail] |awk 'END{print NR}'` - `cat .mailsize`
if ($newmail == 1) then
echo "(There is one new mail message.)"
if ($newmail > 1) echo "(There are $newmail new mail messages.)"
and this in my .logout:
if (-r $mail[$#mail]) then
from $mail[$#mail] | awk 'END{print NR}' >~/.mailsize
Jay Weber
jay at
Return-Path: <allegra!convex!ctvax!trsvax!gm>
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id AA22034; Fri, 14 Sep 84 17:15:34 pdt
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Date: Fri, 14 Sep 84 15:16:00 cdt
To: ctvax!convex!allegra!resonex!nancy
From: allegra!convex!trsvax!gm (George Moore)
Sent: Fri Sep 14 1984, 12:50:43 CDT
Subject: neat .login's
Here is some of the aliases I use, as well as part of my .login
file: (We are running 4.1BSD on a 11/780)
alias back 'set back=$old; set old=$cwd; cd $back; unset back'
alias cd 'set old=$cwd; chdir \!*; sp'
alias sp 'set prompt="$cwd> "'
Those aliases allow my prompt to always be my current directory.
You never have to run "pwd" again. Looks kindof strange when you
are in a low directory like /g/usr/src/local/csh, but you get used
to it. It also allows you to cd to some low dir, and then type
"back" and you are back in the directory you started in.
I have this line in my .login:
sh -c "$HOME/bin/firstlog &"
This line allows you to spin off a background job without the
"[1] 22934" message messing up your screen. Firstlog is done
below. I have a security program which goes out and checks a few
key files and directories (/etc/passwd, /etc/group, /usr/lib/crontab,
/etc). If anything has changed, it sends me mail informing me of the
fact. But I only wish it run once a day, at the time I first login for
the day. (I don't want it run from crontab, that makes things too
predictable for the users)
#! /bin/csh
# Firstlog -- finds out if this is the first time I have logged in
# today and start-up all sorts of neat stuff if it is.
set date=`/bin/date`
set now=`/usr/ucb/last $user`
if ($date[2] != $now[13] || $date[3] != $now[14]) then
sh -c "$HOME/personal/security/secure &"
I hope this helps. George Moore
gm at trsvax.UUCP
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