Creating a file in csh

Daniel Faigin faigin at sdcrdcf.UUCP
Wed Apr 10 02:42:16 AEST 1985

In article <1581 at ukma.UUCP> david at ukma.UUCP (David Herron, NPR Lover) writes:
>	echo -q This creates an empty file >new.file
>Since, with csh, there is no longer an easy way to create an empty
>file.  (With sh one could type just ">new.file").

Actually, the easiest way to create an empty file in csh is:
	cat < /dev/null > newfile

UUCP: {akgua allegra ihnp4 hplabs sdcsvax trwrb cbosgd}!sdcrdcf!faigin  
ARPA: sdcrdcf!faigin at UCLA-CS.ARPA

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It is easier to change the specification to fit the program than
vice-versa.              -- A. J. Perlis, SIGPLAN 17:9 Sept 1982

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