CS books

Dave Brower daveb at rtech.UUCP
Mon Aug 19 16:30:00 AEST 1985

> can anyone recommend a good text on operating systems that might deal with
> or be based on the Unix system...

First there are the articles in /usr/doc and those in both BSTJ's ('78
and '84).  Doug Comer's 'Xinu' book and the 'Concurrent Euclid, Unix &
Tunis' book are good and generally available, but not as directly

The best one is Lion's 'Commentary on the Unix Operating System,' which
is an annotated/explained set of source code for V6.  This requires a
source license and is even then not easy to find.

Of course, if you are a source licensee, some net wag suggested going
directly to the "documentation in /usr/src."
{amdahl|dual|sun|zehntel}\		|"If his brains ran down, how could
{ucbvax|decvax}!mtxinu---->!rtech!daveb |he talk?"
ihnp4!{phoenix|amdahl}___/		|"Happens to people all the time...."

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