unix file system

Dan Hoey hoey at nrl-aic.ARPA
Sat Aug 17 01:50:29 AEST 1985

>From: cudcv at daisy.warwick.UUCP (Rob McMahon)
>Date: 7 Aug 85 10:25:12 GMT

>>> basic problem with the  UNIX file  system  for FORTRAN.
>>You must also rewrite "cat," because I can copy a file by saying cat a >b .
>It's worse than that - the shell creates `b', and it's got no idea what
>sort of file to create,

It's even worse than that.  ``cat'' can take more than one argument,
hence its name.  What do *you* want to happen when you concatenate
files with different record sizes, character sets, etc.

>maybe the shell should be changed to include a syntax

Ulch!  Maybe we should begin each command with "//" and use space
for a comment character.


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