A question for all you UN*X experts

John Daley aims at ssc-vax.UUCP
Fri Aug 23 02:31:36 AEST 1985

We have a question that maybe you can answer.  Does anyone out there know
of any utilities that use the information in /etc/group?  We keep our file
up to date, but have never noticed any system uses for this file.  I have
used fgrep to compare group id numbers and user names, but that is a script
that I developed for simple cross-checking.
Just wondering...Thanx in advance!  (Please post responses in net.unix)

>From the merciless keys of Ray Saddler
Nothing I say here is to be held against the Boeing company,
It's not their fault!
                              Ray E. Saddler III
                              Boeing Aerospace Company
                              CAD Support and Administration
                              Seattle, Washington
                              Somewhere in the universe
                              lost in space.....

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