UNIX book?

fnf at unisoft.UUCP fnf at unisoft.UUCP
Tue Aug 13 06:07:21 AEST 1985

In article <613 at brl-tgr.ARPA> tcs at usna.ARPA writes:
>The Lions books are available from AT&T.  We had to sign an agreement
>stating that we recognized that their contents are trade secret and
>to protect that secret.  It also stated that they were not to be used
>as the basis for a course ...

Hmmm, when I was at Arizona State University a couple years ago they
were used in a computer science course and were available in the
university bookstore.  Anyone could walk in off the street and buy
a copy.  You should have seen the lines ... :-)


Fred Fish    UniSoft Systems Inc, 739 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA  94710  USA
{ucbvax,decvax}!unisoft!fnf	(415) 644 1230 		TWX 11 910 366-2145

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