rcs or sccs: which is better?

Richard L. Klappal rlk at chinet.UUCP
Sun Aug 25 19:26:08 AEST 1985

Not to start/contribute to any debate.

I understand that RCS is copyrighted, but is the source avail
in the public domain?  If so, where can I find it?

Richard Klappal

UUCP:		..!ihnp4!chinet!uklpl!rlk  | "Money is truthful.  If a man
MCIMail:	rklappal		   | speaks of his honor, make him
Compuserve:	74106,1021		   | pay cash."
USPS:		1 S 299 Danby Street	   | 
		Villa Park IL 60181	   |	Lazarus Long 
TEL:		(312) 620-4988		   |	    (aka R. Heinlein)

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