swap space problem on ra81's

Jamie Evans jle at ncsu.UUCP
Sat Aug 10 01:26:48 AEST 1985

	We have added a 3-pack of ra81's to our
site and I have an unusual error when testing out a
new kernal.  We use the 81's as user space only and
boot up on another drive.  After all of the devices
are noticed, the swap spaces are added for the 81's.
We get the following:
	Adding /dev/ra0b as swap device
	Adding /dev/ra1b as swap device

The system never comes back after that, it is gone off
in the O-zone forever.  Our old kernal runs just fine.
The only diffenences in the two kernals is that in the
new one we are testing, we are adding swap spaces
for the ra81's.

This is the swap device line in the config file:

config	vmunix root on hp0a swap on hp0b and hp1b and ra0b and ra1b

Does anyone have any helpful hints?

Please mail suggestions, do not post to the net.

Thanks in advance.

-Jamie Evans-
NC State University
Raleigh, NC


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