Info on network simulation tools

Paul Tsuchiya tsuchi at mitre-gateway.ARPA
Tue Feb 26 04:53:06 AEST 1985

	To whomever reads these things.......

	     I am just starting some masters research on a distributed
	routing scheme for packet type networks and am in need of some
	network simulation tools that can run on unix.  Specifically, I
	am looking for tools that can create networks (from 20 to 2000+
	nodes), and that can run shortest path algorithms against which I 
	can compare my algorithms.
	     I would appreciate any referance to such tools or groups of
	people who do any kind of network simulation things.

				Paul F. Tsuchiya
				MITRE Corp.
				1820 Dolley Madison Blvd.
				McLean, VA 22102
				tsuchi at mitre-gw

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