IBM to support UNIX on 4300

Larry West west at sdcsla.UUCP
Thu Feb 14 15:06:15 AEST 1985

The business section of the New York Times reported today (Wed 13 Feb)
that IBM will support UNIX on its 4300 series computers.   This may
be extended to other series in the future.   This is an attempt by
IBM to enter the academic/scientific market dominated by DEC.

The main point of the article, though, was the announcement of the
new Sierra (309x) series.   Not an astounding improvement on the 308x's,
but a much better cost/performance ratio.   Price breaks of 10% or so
on the 308x's, effective immediately.   However, the Sierra line
already has a long delay -- first shipments of the low-end model
due at the end of 1985, the higher-end models due in 1987.   Yes, 1987.

--  Larry West, UC San Diego, Institute for Cognitive Science
--  UUCP:	{decvax,ucbvax,ihnp4}!sdcsvax!sdcsla!west
--  ARPA:	west at NPRDC	{ NOT: <sdcsla!west at NPRDC> }

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