Transparent Remote File Access Systems: Short Summary

Joe Guthridge jwg at galbp.UUCP
Wed Feb 6 01:07:12 AEST 1985

My apologies to those who replied to me a month ago with some of this
info.  I now have a working list of systems which I list below.  We
are in the process of gathering details on each and I will give a
short descripion of each when that's all finished.

The UN*X transparent remote file access systems I am researching are:
	1. IBIS
	2. Worknet
	3. Sun's NFS
	4. Newcastle Connection
	5. Locus' LCC (from UCLA)
	7. Masscomp's system
	8. Casdmus' UNISON
	9. Plexus' NOS
	10. TEK's DFS
	11. ISC's system
	12. RIDE
	13. HP's RFA
If you know of any others, please mail to me.  Thanks to those who've
responded so far.
					Joe Guthridge

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