IBM to support UNIX on 4300

Phil Ngai phil at amdcad.UUCP
Mon Feb 25 05:42:57 AEST 1985

> Hmmmm, last time I looked Series/1 were in the 50 -> 100K realm.  Someone
> in the know please post how much it will cost to connect 32 terminals
> to an IBM 4381, this should include:

If you think a Series1 is expensive you should price the alternatives,
such as an Amdahl 4705e. And that only runs at 4800 baud (the salesman
doesn't want to sell me 9600 baud).

 This is my opinion, I guess.

 Phil Ngai (408) 749-5720
 UUCP: {ucbvax,decwrl,ihnp4,allegra}!amdcad!phil
 ARPA: amdcad!phil at decwrl.ARPA

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