Unix 2.9 dump/restor

jeffrey w percival jwp at uwmacc.UUCP
Mon Feb 18 08:09:47 AEST 1985


This group is for neophytes, right?  Well, here goes...

I am trying to get 2.9 installed on my 11/70, and have progressed to
the point of worrying about dumps and restors.  I see a dump,restor
pair in /usr/src/cmd, and dump source (but no restor) in /usr/src/ucb/dump.
I see a dumprestor.h in /usr/include and in the ucb/dump area as well.
1. Will the non-ucb restor work with the ucb dump?
2. Does the ucb dumprestor.h completely supersede the one in /usr/include?
3. What about the standalone restor?  Is that the same as the regular restor?
   I remember in my 2.8 system having to massage some constants
   until the standalone restor was < 48k...  is that required in 2.9?

To summarize: how do I get a unified dump/restor (including standalone)?
I'd appreciate some mail on this.  Thanks.

			Jeff Percival

jwp at uwmacc.UUCP  (...!{allegra,ihnp4,seismo,...}!uwvax!uwmacc!jwp)
uwmacc!jwp at wisc-rsch.ARPA
POST: Space Astronomy; UW-Madison; 1150 University Ave; Madison, Wi 53706; USA

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