About Amdahl's UTS

gam gam at amdahl.UUCP
Thu Feb 21 16:59:40 AEST 1985

> - unlike Amdahl's UTS, IX/370 is full duplex and comes with uucp and vi.

*ahem* Amdahl's UTS/F 1.0 *is* full duplex and comes with uucp and vi,
	(as well as cu and ct) -- hey, did you think this is just a Vax??!!
	(and you should see our benchmarks ...!)

*Plus* we offer source.

*And*  The manual pages are on-line.

We also support 3270's as well as full-duplex ascii terminals, and
rje.  We even included the games.

We also have 16 MB address space per process.

General availability is 2nd Quarter 85.

Our product is superior to Big Blue's, and I'm not just saying that
because I work here.

Marketing-type questions may be directed to amdahl!nzm10 (Neal Macklin).
Gordon A. Moffett		...!{ihnp4,hplabs,sun}!amdahl!gam

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