h,j,k,l in vi

Toby Harness toby at gargoyle.UChicago.UUCP
Tue Feb 19 02:32:36 AEST 1985

> ....                        One of the things that bothers me most about
> BSD is the habit of taking a mediocre implementation of a good idea, and
> using it over and over again.  To wit: ... far to many things (more than 0)
> have files that look like /etc/termcap.

I don`t think all those programs that use termcap-like description files
(lpr, getty, etc.) were done that way because anyone actually liked the
termcap format, but rather because of the very efficient routines for 
reading that format (tgetent, tgetnum, tgetstr, etc.).  I believe the lpr
manual talks about this.

Toby Harness		Ogburn/Stouffer Center, University of Chicago

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