IBM to support UNIX on 4300

Herb Chong [DCS] herbie at watdcsu.UUCP
Wed Feb 20 06:48:58 AEST 1985

In article <424 at lsuc.UUCP> dave at lsuc.UUCP (David Sherman) writes:
>In article <801 at sdcsla.UUCP> west at sdcsla.UUCP (Larry West) writes:
>||The business section of the New York Times reported today (Wed 13 Feb)
>||that IBM will support UNIX on its 4300 series computers. 
>Will this be as a virtual machine (I think that's what they
>call them) under VM? (What I really mean is, will it be able
>to run together with other operating systems at the same time?)
>Also, any word on what the price might be - something cheaper
>than Amdahl's UTS, I hope...
>Dave Sherman
>{utzoo pesnta nrcaero utcs}!lsuc!dave
>{allegra decvax ihnp4 linus}!utcsri!lsuc!dave

IX/370 is designed to run solely in a virtual machine environment (i.e.,
it can't run standalone on a S/370 or 370-XA machine).  thus, it can
co-exist with other virtual machines running any other operating system
supported by VM (almost every one ever made for 360/370 machines). 
terminal i/o is handled through series/1 mini's that allows full duplex
terminal communications within the s/370 channel architecture.
cost is high and it comes sourceless.  if anyone hasn't seen it posted
already (it was on arpanet), i can send the full announcement letter.

Herb Chong...

I'm user-friendly -- I don't byte, I nybble....

UUCP:  {decvax|utzoo|ihnp4|allegra|clyde}!watmath!water!watdcsu!herbie
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