Wanted: literature on Unix system programming

Juha I. Heinanen jih at usl.UUCP
Wed Feb 13 08:13:29 AEST 1985

I am teaching a course that among other things deals with concurrent
programming and would like to use the system calls of Unix dealing with
pipes, signals, sockets, etc. as one example of process communication.
Although there are tens of books dealing with Unix, I haven't yet found
a single one that contains adequate tutorial material on the subject.  I
am aware of the few pages in Bourne's book and also I have a copy of
4.2bsd System Manual.  Is that all or can someone give me good pointers
to textbooks containing such material?  If there isn't any textbooks, I
would appreciate to receive copies of your favorite example programs
that show how the things are done.  I am willing to post an edited
summary of your answers (if any).

                               Juha Heinanen

USL, P.O. Box 44330, Lafayette, LA 70504-433,  tel. (318)231-5345
UUCP:  {ut-sally, akgua}!usl!jih
ARPA:  usl!jih at ut-sally  CSNet: jih%usl.UUCP at csnet-relay
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