Where can I find tutorials on writing C-shell scripts?

Greg McGary lcc.gm at UCLA-LOCUS.ARPA
Wed Feb 6 10:00:28 AEST 1985

>	There seem to be many books and tutorials on UNIX, but they
>	deal with the writing of shell scripts only in passing, if at
>	all.  Are there any texts or tutorials that teach the writing
>	of scripts for the C-shell in some detail?

The only tutorial I know of is Bill Joy's `An Introduction to the C-shell'.
This article is included with the BSD documentation set in Volume 2 of
the programmer's manual.

I think you've already discovered that most tutorials are written for
the Bourne shell. (/bin/sh)   The general consensus is that Kernighan
and Pike's `Unix Programming Environment' gives the best available
treatment of the subject.  Please do not shy away from learning the
Bourne Shell because you feel you are most interested in the C-shell.
The techniques of shell programming apply to both shells.  Once you
what you want to do with a shell program and generally how you want to
do it, in most cases it is a simple matter of consulting the manual page
to select the correct syntax.

Also, you may discover (like many of us) that the Bourne Shell is
really the shell of choice for programming.  It is more capable and
less buggy.  Personally, I prefer the C-shell for interactive use
(until the Korn Shell becomes available...) because of history, job
control, and aliases.  But for shell programming, I always use
the Bourne Shell.
			Greg McGary
			Locus Computing Corp.
						lcc!gm at ucla-cs

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