h,j,k,l in vi

Guy Harris guy at rlgvax.UUCP
Wed Feb 27 06:17:18 AEST 1985

> 	But 'vi' *doesn't* force h,j,k,l cursor control on you.
> Every version of it that I have ever seen also supports the *real*
> arrow keys on terminals that have them.  Why not use them if you
> don't like the ADM3-a approach.

Because they can be unreliable.  On the few occasions when I use "vi"
(heh heh), I've seen it get confused when I use the arrow keys on my
VT100, so I've adjusted to using h/j/k/l.  I suspect it may be related
to the fact that "vi" does timeouts on input to distinguish escape sequences
from normal typing (but since I rarely use "vi" I don't really care why
it does it).

	Guy Harris

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