Adding a nice field to a.out headers???

Jim Shankland jas at rtech.ARPA
Thu Feb 28 07:08:13 AEST 1985

> I've been wondering why we couldn't add a field into a.out headers that
> would set the default niceness of a process....  One can cheat and put a
> frontend shell file that does a "nice +10 rogue", but I find this very
> un-UNIX.
> 	Joe Pruett
> 	Reed College
> 	...!tektronix!reed!joey

On the contrary, I'd say it's very much in the UNIX style to use existing
tools (such as nice(1)) where they work well.  If your one-line shell
script says "exec nice +10 rogue", there is even very little extra
overhead compared with building a nice value into the object header.

Jim Shankland

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