
Martin Fouts fouts at AMES-NAS.ARPA
Sat Feb 2 04:12:08 AEST 1985

     The general ftp discussion really doesn't belong on this mailing
list.  However, you are directed to see your local ftp guru or peruse
documentation available online at the nic.

     If your only intent is to be a user of ftp, the manual page is
sufficent to get you started.  If you wish to read general information
about internet protocols then A. S. Tannenbaum's book: "Computer
Networks" is recommended.

     If you are interested in details of specific protocols, there are
a series of documents available online at the nic, called rfcs.  To get
started reading rfcs, you should first get a copy of rfc 880 which is a
list of all of the rfcs relevent to protocols and rfc 899 which is an
index to the preceding 100 rfcs.

A template for doing this under 4.2bsd:

ftp nic
get <rfc>rfc880.txt rfc880
get <rfc>rfc899.txt rfc899

Since you are on one of the ames-nas machines, you can log into amelia
and use a different procedure.  The text for any rfc may be obtained by
typing the command

rfc NNN

where NNN is the rfc number.



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