getting the pid from the csh - answers

Sid Shapiro ss at wanginst.UUCP
Fri Feb 15 00:24:45 AEST 1985

> So I cheerfully set off to try and figure out how to capture the pid
> that is returned when you type foo&

I have had three replies.  One that I had a little trouble relating to
my question, so I won't bother repeating it.  The second was from an
unnamed person (I don't want to embarrass him) who cheerfully told me
about a shell variable that got set in his shell, but not mine - (he
didn't realize that his shell had been hacked in that way).  And the
third from wizard Spencer Thomas (thomas at utah-cs.ARPA).  Spencer's was
the most useful (no surprise there):

>	>	Here is an alias we use to kill off selected or all jobs.  Works sort
>	>	of, most of the time.  But, it does show how to get the (in this case)
>	>	job id's of all your background or stopped tasks (the hard part is in
>	>	/usr/local/killall, included below).  The '%!$' at the end is to
>	>	continue processes (such as Gosling emacs) that want to print something
>	>	before they die.  If a subprocess doesn't die on SIGTERM (e.g., a
>	>	shell), this won't work correctly.
>	>	
>	>	alias res 'if ("\!$" == "*") source /usr/local/killall;'\
>	>		'if ("\!$" != "*") kill %\!$; if ("\!$" != "*") %\!$'
>	>	
>	>	# kill all subprocesses of this shell.
>	>	# 
>	>	jobs >~/.pcs
>	>	foreach i (`sed 's/.*\[\(.*\)\].*/\1/' ~/.pcs`)
>	>		res $i
>	>	end

With one mimor mod for me to pick up just the job I want killed, this
worked like gangbusters.  The only thing that puzzles me is that I
tried some combinations of sed scripts originally a few months ago
when I started this business and I had trouble - of course I don't
remember what the trouble was... Oh well.
Thanks for all your help, folks.
/ Sid /

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