Ed Gould ed at mtxinu.UUCP
Tue Feb 26 07:11:08 AEST 1985

> > One last thing, the literary award of the season goes to John Muth at
> > [Amdahl] for comparing MVS to "kicking a dead whale down the beach".
> I thank Dave for the compliment, however I must make two minor
> corrections.
> 1) I wish I had originated the comparision of MVS to "kicking a dead
>    whale down the beach". This saying had been around for a number
>    of years before I heard it.
> -- 
> 				John Muth

The original, by Steve Johnson (I believe), was "TSO is like kicking
a dead whale down the beach".

Ed Gould		    mt Xinu, 739 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA  94710  USA
{ucbvax,decvax}!mtxinu!ed   +1 415 644 0146

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