copyright status of dynamic loading code

David Sherman dave at lsuc.UUCP
Thu Feb 14 04:40:48 AEST 1985

In article <8045 at brl-tgr.ARPA> Ron Natalie  <ron at BRL-TGR> writes:
+ Berkeley may object, but not legally.  There is nothing that prohibits
+ you from using algorithms from copyright code in other projects without
+ regard to the copyright...

Don't be so sure. AT&T UNIX sources are protected by trade-secret
rather than copyright. Trade secret protection will apply
to algorithms where copyright will only apply to the expression
of the algorithm in the code.

Dave Sherman  (yep, I'm a lawyer, even if my specialty is tax...)
The Law Society of Upper Canada
{utzoo pesnta nrcaero utcs}!lsuc!dave
{allegra decvax ihnp4 linus}!utcsrgv!lsuc!dave

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