UNIX troff and XEROX printers.

bierma at nprdc.ARPA bierma at nprdc.ARPA
Thu Feb 28 03:38:26 AEST 1985


We are running 4.2BSD on two 11/780's.  We will soon have access to
three XEROX laser printers.  An offline 9700, a 5700 attached to a
neighbor IBM 43XX which we will soon be networked to, and a 2700 that
will be directly attached to one of the VAX's.  Our goal of course is
to be able to use all of these printers as troff output devices.


The 2700 will be delivered with "Image Networks"(?) troff software.
Anybody have any comments or words of wisdom about this software?  Are
there better packages to drive the 2700.  [Note: this is a 2700 from
XEROX, not a printer based on the 2700 from some other source.]

The 5700 currently talks to an IBM over a bisync channel.  It will soon
be attached to a common ethernet and communicate with a number of 860
workstations.  Anyone know of a CAT/DVI to UCL/DCL/Interpress filter we
can use to drive this beast?  Or, since the 5700 emulates an IBM 6670
laser printer at software to support troff output on the 6670 would
work just as well.  I seem to recall a paper at the Wash DC USENIX
conference about a law firm that printed on a 6670 from an 11/70,
anybody out have any leads?

Finally we will have occasional access to an offline 9700.  Anyone know
how to create tapes that the 9700 will read and print?

I'll appreciate any info you can send me.

--Larry		ARPA: bierma at nprdc.arpa
		UUCP: {decvax,ucbvax,ihnp4}!sdcsvax!sdcsla!nprdc!bierma
		PSTN: (619) 225-2161

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