Summary of books on Unix systems programming

Greg Skinner gregbo at houxm.UUCP
Sat Feb 16 04:01:14 AEST 1985

Here are the responses I got for my question re: looking for books where Unix
systems programming is discussed.

The Independant UNIX Bookstore (somewhere in Calif.) rates
McGilton and Morgan's introduction to UNIX as its top seller.
I forget the exact title, they all sound pretty much alike,
I have seen the book and it seems both comprehensive and easy
to read.


There is quite a nice book called "Operating Systems: The Xinu Approach"
(I can't remember the author's name offhand) that gives quite a nice
guide to the internals of a unix type operating system with examples
of some of the more obscure system things used in unix.


The UNIX Programming Environment by Kernighan and Pike.


I'd suggest you start with `The UNIX Programming Environment' by Kernighan
and Pike. It goes into some of these topics. After that, try book by
Kaare Christian (The UNIX Operating System, Wiley-Interscience) which gives
some detail on how the system works. After that, go to the source code
and wade in...  [I liked this comment the best ... seems like you wind up doing
that most of the time, anyway  --gregbo]


All comments were much appreciated.
			... hey, we've gotta get out of this place,
    			    there's got to be something better than this ...

Greg Skinner (gregbo)

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