getty dies on DMF

Marc Lesure system at asuvax.UUCP
Thu Feb 21 02:41:45 AEST 1985

We run 4.2bsd on a Vax11/780.  We have 4 DEC dz's and 2 Emulex
DMF-32's on a single Unibus.  The problem we're running into is
that the getty's on the DMF's start to die off.  I can re-initialize
them only by shutdowning the system down or editing /etc/ttys to 
disable the ports which have died, doing a kill -1 1, and then re-edit
ttys to enable the ports with another kill -1 1.  Trying to initialize
the ports with a kill -1 1 prior to editing the file does not work. The
getty's die off at random times and on random ports.  The DZ's are
fine.  Does anyone know of a driver bug or had this problem
themselves?  Does anyone have a more reasonable solution to reactive
these ports?

Thanks -

Marc Lesure
System Manager
Engineering Computer Center
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona

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