Does anyone know of a HELP system for UNIX?

Ron Heiby netnews at wnuxb.UUCP
Wed Feb 6 01:11:32 AEST 1985

In article <7737 at brl-tgr.ARPA> Doug Gwyn (VLD/VMB) <gwyn at Brl-Vld.ARPA> writes:
>AT&T plans such a facility in future releases.
>Perhaps you can figure out how to get them to sketch
>its user interface, so we don't end up with several
>similar-but-different help systems.

The AT&T Help facility was described in fairly good detail at the Salt Lake
City Usenix Conference (Summer 1984).  The paper is found on page 253 of the
proceedings and is entitled, "The UNIX System HELP Facility" and is by
Thomas W. Butler and Lisa A. Kennedy of AT&T Bell Laboratories.  As I
recall, a pocket reference to HELP was given out at the conference.

As to "future releases", the HELP facility is a part of AT&T Unix System
V Release 2.0 AT&T 3B2 Version 1.  It is bundled with the 3B2 as one of
the included "essential utilities", but is on floppy so you don't have to
let it take up any hard disk space.  SVR2 is currently being shipped on
new 3B2 systems.

Have fun!
Ronald W. Heiby / ihnp4!{wnuxa!heiby|wnuxb!netnews}
AT&T Information Systems, Inc.
Lisle, IL  (CU-D21)

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