kernel protocol implementations

James Mostek mostek at ihnp4.UUCP
Thu Feb 7 08:02:56 AEST 1985

I would like to compile a list of all the implementations of
networking protocols: (protocol name, UNIX version, hardware),
and how to get them (company/cost/contact person or department).

The list I know of so far includes:
	TCP/IP	-- 4.2 BSD, EXOS/8010 for several UNIX versions
		and hardware, FUSION for several UNIX versions and hardware,
	XNS -- FUSION (I don't know what hardware/UNIX versions)

	NBS' Tranport?
	ma and pa's?

Send me mail and I'll post the results.
I'm only interested in UNIX implementations that reside in the kernel, as a
device driver, or reside on a board.
Thanks in advance,
          James Mostek, Bell Labs @ Naperville, ihnp4!mostek

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