ma(pping) Re: h,j,k,l in vi

Theo van der Storm tstorm at vu44.UUCP
Thu Feb 28 09:49:33 AEST 1985

In article <338 at psivax.UUCP> friesen at psivax.UUCP (Stanley friesen) writes:
>In article <726 at ucbtopaz.CC.Berkeley.ARPA> mwm at ucbtopaz.UUCP \
    (Praiser of Bob) writes:
etc. etc.
>>>If you have ever seen an adm-3a terminal you will know where h,j,k,l come
etc. etc.
>	But 'vi' *doesn't* force h,j,k,l cursor control on you.
>Every version of it that I have ever seen also supports the *real*
>arrow keys on terminals that have them.  Why not use them if you
>don't like the ADM3-a approach.
etc. etc.

You were probably using a version 2.XX which uses the ma(pping)
definition of termcap.
Imagine the following situation:
The cursor-right key sends ctrl-L
The redraw screen command of visual is ctrl-L

Now map ctrl-L on l and ctrl-P on ctrl-L
The redraw screen command of visual is now ctrl-P
and one can use the arrow keys.

Can anyone comment on the question why version 3.X does not use
'ma' anymore?

Theo van der Storm, 52 20'N / 4 52'E, {seismo|decvax|philabs}!mcvax!vu44!tstorm

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