System V documentation

Guy Harris guy at rlgvax.UUCP
Wed Feb 27 06:29:56 AEST 1985

> As it happens, you need ALL of these manuals to be equivalent to the V7
> UNIX Programmer's Manual.

And probably still more stuff; our S5R2 documentation isn't quite the size
of our VMS documentation, but it's getting there (note: no value judgement
is being made).

> You still don't get everything, since documentation on terminal ioctl's
> can only be found in the System Management Utilities Guide (name may not
> be quite right, but it should be pretty close).

Actually, it's the Administrator's Reference Manual, but no matter how
thinly it's sliced it's still bologna.  *It doesn't belong there, it belongs
in the Programmer's Reference Manual*, which is where we're putting it
(are you listening, AT&T?).  The only part useful to admins is the disk
partitioning.  The rest is of infinitely more use to programmers than to

	Guy Harris

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