help needed with 68k

Stu Heiss stuey at wlcrjs.UUCP
Fri Feb 15 07:33:59 AEST 1985

Here's a stickey one.  I've just brought up unix on Compupro
hardware with a 68k cpu using the 68451 mm.  This system is not
currently configurable and I need to be able to do port i/o to a
foriegn board in the system.  The cpu card maps memory requests
to the top 64k to the i/o ports - so you have to be able to
address absolute memory - which the memory management forbids.
Got any ideas? What about /dev/mem or /dev/kmem? Also, I'd like
to get a driver for my Sugart 4008's ready in anticipation of
the reconfig files. I've got low level code written in c, but
not in device driver form. I've no idea what a driver's supposed
to look like - no doc on how to write one. Where do you get this
kind of information? Is there any such thing as standard
skeleton driver code to use as a starting point?
Pleas reply with mail to ===> ihnp4!wlcrjs!stuey	- Stu 

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