Undocumented vi command
Maria Gonzalez
mrg at ptsfa.UUCP
Wed Jan 23 09:43:08 AEST 1985
> > When in vi visual or open mode, try typing a tilde (~): it converts
> > from upper to lower case and vice versa, advancing the position of the
> > cursor in the process.
> Unfortunately, the `~' command doesn't want to move ahead when prefixed by
> a repeat factor. It just sits there and converts the same character N times!
> Sh?t!
> Greg McGary
> Locus Computing Corp.
> lcc!gm at ucla-cs
> {ihnpr,randvax,sdcrdcf,ucbvax}!ucla-cs!lcc!gm
> {trwspp,ucivax}!ucla-va!ucla-cs!lcc!gm
> trwb!lcc!gm
Yes, unlike most of vi commands this one cannot be
prefixed by a number.
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