info on array processors wanted
Bruce Young
young at AMES-NAS.ARPA
Fri Jan 18 02:56:20 AEST 1985
Developing array processors: CRAY 2
AMES will have (late FY85) a CRAY X-MP 1/2 running under UNIX.
However, do not expect a commercial version of UNIX for CRAY
until FY86.
Using SLAM from P&A, we benchmarked two VAX 11/780's under UNIX
a CRAY X-MP 2/2 and a CRAY X-MP 1/2 both running COS. The CRAYs
demonstrated wall time improvements about 50 to 1. Thus a model
running 4 hours on VAX loaded to factor 5.0 (using ruptime)
will run on a CRAY in approximately 5 minutes. One disclaimer
is any comparison of VAX to CRAY is full of assumptions about
load averages, operating systems, configurations, yet we are
pleased with the CRAY performance.
young at AMES-NAS.ARPA
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