How can I find where a link leads to
Rob Warnock
rpw3 at redwood.UUCP
Tue Jan 15 21:17:08 AEST 1985
| > ls -i filename
| > gives you the inode number...
| But it is often helpful to find out what are the other pathnames of the
| file/inode in question. This is possible with ncheck:
| ncheck -i #### /dev/xxx
| ...However, on some systems ncheck and/or /dev/xxx is
| protected and non-root people can't perform the above...
| Dan
In that case, try:
find / -inum #### -exec ls -l {} \;
It will show you files whose i-node numbers are "####" on ALL mounted
structures, and possibly report files which are not linked to yours,
but using the date and length reported by "ls" (or at worst looking at
each file) should disambiguate it for you.
Rob Warnock
Systems Architecture Consultant
UUCP: {ihnp4,ucbvax!dual}!fortune!redwood!rpw3
DDD: (415)572-2607
USPS: 510 Trinidad Lane, Foster City, CA 94404
p.s. This articele had the worst case of "time warp" I have seen in a
long time -- 9 days in the future from when "notes" touched it (five
days from my local "now"). News admins take note...
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| Path: redwood!rhino!fortune!hpda!hplabs!hao!seismo!cmcl2!rna!dan
| From: dan at rna.UUCP
| Newsgroups: net.unix
| Subject: Re: How can I find where a link leads to
| Message-ID: <11000006 at rna.UUCP>
| Date: Sun, 20-Jan-85 17:22:00 PST
| Article-I.D.: rna.11000006
| Posted: Sun Jan 20 17:22:00 1985
| Date-Received: Mon, 14-Jan-85 15:33:40 PST
| References: <719 at hou2h.UUCP>
| Lines: 16
| Nf-ID: #R:hou2h:-71900:rna:11000006:000:643
| Nf-From: rna!dan Jan 11 20:22:00 1985
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