Saving rotated jokes unrotated
John Purbrick
jpexg at mit-hermes.ARPA
Fri May 24 02:49:08 AEST 1985
> Voila! rotated joke saved in readable form.
> Maybe someone knows a better way. I'm listening...
Maybe not better, but here's a different method. Rot-13 is simply a procedure
of swapping every letter with the one 13 places forward (or back) in the
alphabet (ie a<-->n, b<-->o, c<-->p etc) so a simple program will do it. I
wrote one (with considerable ignorance, but I've never got around to updating
it) called rotify.c which takes the contents of a file and replaces it with
the rotified version, up to 10000 chars. With this you can save a rot-13 joke
or make up your own with a question and an answer which is readable by hitting
D. (Obviously, to do this you only rotify the answer.)
John Purbrick jpexg at mit-hermes.ARPA
{...decvax!genrad! ...allegra!mit-vax!} mit-eddie!mit-hermes!jpexg
#define MAXBYTES 10000
int fnum, numbytes, clox;
char inbuf[MAXBYTES], fname[20];
printf("What file to rotify? ");
scanf("%s", fname); /* Get the file name */
fnum = open(fname, 522, 0); /* Open for reading */
numbytes = read(fnum, inbuf, MAXBYTES); /* Transfer to buffer */
fnum = open(fname, 1025, 0); /* Reopen for writing */
for (clox = 0; clox < numbytes; clox++) /* Rotify!! */
{ if ((inbuf[clox] > ('a'-1)) && (inbuf[clox] < 'n'))
inbuf[clox] += 13;
else if ((inbuf[clox] > 'm') && (inbuf[clox] < ('z'+1)))
inbuf[clox] -= 13;
else if ((inbuf[clox] > ('A'-1)) && (inbuf[clox] < 'N'))
inbuf[clox] += 13;
else if ((inbuf[clox] > 'M') && (inbuf[clox] < ('Z'+1)))
inbuf[clox] -= 13;
else continue; /* Ignore nonalphabetics */
write(fnum, inbuf, numbytes); /* Write the file again */
close(fnum); /* And close it */
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