Wanted: Unix for Intel SBC 680
George Hart
george at mnetor.UUCP
Wed May 29 22:10:58 AEST 1985
Posted for a friend:
>From utzoo!psddevl!da Tue May 28 22:23:00 1985
Received: by mnetor.UUCP (4.12/4.7)
id AA23903; Tue, 28 May 85 22:22:58 edt
Date: Tue, 28 May 85 22:22:58 edt
From: utzoo!psddevl!da
Apparently-To: george
Status: R
I have an Intel SBC 680 multibus development system that is gathering
dust. It is equipped as follows:
iSBC 86/05 8086 CPU
iSBC 215 Winchester Controller e/w Shugart SA1004 10 Meg drive
iSBX 218 Flexible Disk Controller e/w Shugart SSSD drive
iSBC 534 Four Channel Communication Expansion Board
plus a 512K and 64K RAM boards.
Does anyone have a UNIX or equiv. for this configuration?
Dave Wallace
Also, does anybody know of a version of the news software that will run
on an 11/23 without split I&D??
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